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DustfingerAD in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2016-08-24 16:48

Took quite a "break" to do some personal practise, hope that isn't too bad. Back now though with some creepy crawlers

Was pretty fun again but I still feel awful with textures, I liked the 4th one though.

DustfingerAD in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2016-04-02 12:00

A month later, here it is

Shadow shapes were still a problem for me, sometimes they just don't seem to make sense.

The "flat" leaf shapes were also rather hard.

All in all rather fun though, wouldn't have thought that a lot of plants have so much in common.

DustfingerAD in the post "March Break - Free homework critiques on hold from March 1st to April 1st"

2016-03-01 08:30

Literally just got done with the homework today, ah well I can wait a month. But good luck with the move man, you deserve your breaks for what you do here.

DustfingerAD in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections (version 3)"

2016-02-06 11:24

Finally done, man this took me a long time.


I would like to talk about where I had problems, if you don't mind.

The arrows weren't too bad, the "draw the same curve twice" was a bit confusing.

But the textures, oh god, the textures.

Maybe I am missing the part of my brain which can recognize patterns but I have and had a really really hard time with them and then also trying to draw them with only black and white?

If the pattern is obvious enough I can see it but a lot of textures just don't seem to have one and be random, and I have no plan on how to draw those.

Don't know if this will get easier with time, definitely the hardest part of the lesson for me.

Form intersections weren't too bad when you get used to them.

Question about the intersection point you used in the video though, does that always have to be on the edge of a form?

The organic ones were harder than I thought, mainly had trouble feeling the form of some random blob and drawing the long contour lines correctly on it.

DustfingerAD in the post "With the start of a new year, comes the reopening of critiques and a bunch of updates to the website!"

2016-01-01 18:41

Have a good new year man, can't thank you enough for getting me into drawing again and sticking with it.

DustfingerAD in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes (version 2)"

2015-07-20 03:18

No homeworks from me right now (and probably never since my camera is very bad), just wanted to say that I tried the first exercise today and failed at first, all my "straight" lines were very wobly and I was left pretty demotivated & frustrated.

After I tried again after a few hours though, it suddenly make click and I could draw nice straight lines suddenly.

I don't know how it happened but thanks a lot for this lesson man, first time I actually felt like I made some progress.