Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

March Break - Free homework critiques on hold from March 1st to April 1st


2016-02-27 02:25


It's that time again! Time for Uncomfortable to take a little break from doing free homework critiques. I would have pushed this off to April, keeping a three month interval in between breaks, but unfortunately I'm moving to a new apartment March 1st, and in general I'm pretty exhausted and need to recharge. Maybe keeping a 2 month interval between from now on would be best.

Many of you may remember that I was apartment hunting back in December. A couple weeks into that, my landlord changed her mind. A couple weeks later she changed her mind again, but by that time I'd already signed another lease with her so I used it as leverage to take my sweet time to find a nice new place to live. Things have been pretty stressful til now because of the issues stemming from my landlord, so I'm really excited to move to my new place and get settled in.

I'm also planning on taking the opportunity to spruce up more of the lessons (I revisited lessons 1 and 2 in December, and I can see lots of areas to improve in the others - I might actually take the opportunity to tear down and redo the figure drawing lessons, which are definitely the weakest part in the curriculum). Also, for those of you who speak Spanish, I've had a Spanish translation of lesson 1 sitting on the back burner for some time, but didn't have the time to work alternate translations into the website's codebase - so that's definitely something I'll be implementing during the break. If it gets a sizeable response, I'll look into having the rest of the lessons translated, one by one. I'm also going to be looking into adding more self critique resources, since people seem to have appreciated the ones I added last month.

As always, this doesn't affect those who support Drawabox via Patreon - those who've pledged in February or those who pledge during March will still be welcome to submit their homework for critique - although critiques may be a little slower than usual, especially at the beginning of the month. The rest will have to hold onto their homework until April 1st, as submissions made before then will not be recorded on the homework submission spreadsheet, otherwise I'd end up with a month's worth of critiques to do come April.

If you happen to have your homework finished, you'll still be able to submit before March 1st, which gives you a few days - but don't go rushing things, or you'll be asked to go back and redo it.


2016-02-27 05:55

Hope your break is good! I think I'll just hold on to my first submission for when you come back.


2016-02-27 22:33

Thanks, I appreciate that! And thank you for the well wishes.


2016-02-27 10:49

Have a great break man, and thank you so much for all your hard work.


2016-02-27 22:33

It's my pleasure. Thanks for the well wishes.


2016-02-27 23:05

Have a good break, I'm also hunting for an apartment so I can understand your stress ! If you need any help or one day want a translation in french tell me :)


2016-02-27 23:06

I'll definitely keep you in mind! Best of luck with your move.


2016-02-28 13:58

Have a good break! I'll wait until April 1st to submit my first assignment then.

Thank you very much for all your help on this subreddit !


2016-02-28 16:08



2016-02-28 22:58



2016-02-28 22:59



2016-02-29 01:28

I just recently moved myself and it can be a pain the ass, hopefully it wont be so for you. So have a great break and I'll try and use the extra time to put lots of effort into my current lesson.


2016-02-29 01:59

Thanks! Here's hoping it'll go smoothly.


2016-02-29 09:34

Good luck on the move and I hope you enjoy your well deserved time off.


2016-02-29 16:26



2016-02-29 23:15

I just stumbled across the sub a week or so back, and have just now started on the first lesson. What you're doing here is bloody amazing! The lessons, as a stand-alone resource, are fantastic, but to offer critique on top of that is just... wow.

I hope you have a pleasant break, and that things work out well with the apartment hunting. I hope to have something good to submit come your return. So far I'm having a hard time dealing with how bad I appear to be at merely drawing a straight bloody line, but I'm learning a lot that I had no idea I needed to learn.

Thank you :)


2016-03-01 00:47

Thanks for the kind words! I actually just got my keys and checked out my apartment one last time before moving in. I'm ever-so-excited.


2016-03-01 08:30

Literally just got done with the homework today, ah well I can wait a month. But good luck with the move man, you deserve your breaks for what you do here.


2016-03-02 02:06

Haha, thanks.


2016-03-01 17:18

Thank you so much for your amazing work! I've recently discovered your website and I've already learned some stuff that no one has mentioned during my 3 semesters in art school :) Have a great month!


2016-03-02 02:06

I'm always glad to hear that!