Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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dizzydizzy in the post "100 Treasure Chest Challenge"

2017-12-04 11:09

Please god no.

Thankfully I'm not eligible.

dizzydizzy in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2017-10-11 23:19

Thanks looking forward to the vehicles

dizzydizzy in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2017-10-11 12:35

The Lesson 6 and 7 reddit threads are locked as too old to post on.

Heres my lesson 6 homework. Hopefully as mod you have the power to move this to the right place when its unlocked..


dizzydizzy in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2017-09-11 23:03


dizzydizzy in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2017-09-10 12:53

Bed time here in Australia, but heres what I did today


I tried a page of camel faces.

Then I redid the camel, and looking at it now I really need to redo it again (edit-I did see below), so concerned about alternating the flow of the leg I made something that doenst look much like a leg.. And its face still isnt great and its hump is a bit off and its neck, and and and...

4 more retries of the dog, the last 3 posted..

And a redo of the rat, I alternate the flow of the arms (I kind of offset them from where they should have been), but you didn't in your overdraw so not quite 100% on when I should alternate the flow, maybe just for multijointed legs?

Edit: Added an owl and a redo of the camel to the album, the camels front legs are straighter like your demo, but the rear legs I did in the more rounded flowing way you showed in your critique above, no idea why I switched style between front and back .. No longer sure which way is up.

dizzydizzy in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2017-09-10 05:04

In my memory we were supposed to pinch the ribs and pelvis together -my animals all have a pinched connection between the two masses then with a belly and back padding built on top of that shape, but reading your notes then watching the video again, I see I must have imagined that part.

Same with the eyes, I recalled a large sphere socket to build the eye in, but of course its a more tailored angular shape, must have watched the video 4 times by now and I'm still learning from it, so much info..

Really appreciate the extensive feedback, and am more than happy to do another 4 or 8 or whatever it takes to get there..

dizzydizzy in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2017-09-09 12:16

2 retries of the camel, 2 of a sausage dog, 2 of a rat and 3 of a stoat. Included my ref images, thought I'd include my steps along the way, rather than just posting my best of each ref image


I seem to really struggle with proportions taking several attempts to just get the body parts in the right places.

I feel like I might have made some slight improvement with eyes but I still struggle with faces/snouts especially if its side or straight on to know how to construct it in 3d rather than just drawing the flat silhouette I see in the image. Wasnt quite sure how to end the fluffy tail of the stoat without detailing it..

dizzydizzy in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2017-09-03 21:37

Thanks, really really useful feedback.

dizzydizzy in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2017-09-02 12:25


Its been a bit of a rollercoaster this one.

I dont think you gave me my flair badge thing for the previous round but I have passed it.

dizzydizzy in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2017-08-20 02:44


I found drawing the creepy crawlies has kinda made me fond of them..

dizzydizzy in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2017-08-19 04:41


I was especially pleased with the ant.

Self Critique:

Drawing construction faint

Lack of observation/losing concentration at times (scorpion claws ended up to far forward, eggs under ladybug wing)

Not drawing through my ellipses enough

Flattening the image when going over everything darker.

Overall a bit sloppy, not always drawing fluidly from the shoulder.

When drawing contours not nailing the orientation of the shape (the smaller spiders body has a wonky axis)

Things I think I did well.

I think generally I stuck to the original forms construction.

My observation has improved and I'm getting closer to matching the reference proportions and angles.

dizzydizzy in the post "Happy Birthday, /r/ArtFundamentals!"

2017-08-17 21:04

When I recorded my vid of drawing a box for the 250 box challenge I submitted I used a phone holder for car sat nav with the sucker stuck to my computer screen, it was a bit awkward but better than nothing.

On the good side of all this ink stress, when I tried doing some proko pencil assignments it suddenly seemed so much easier.

dizzydizzy in the post "Happy Birthday, /r/ArtFundamentals!"

2017-08-17 11:39

I had no interest in learning to draw, because drawing is for people with drawing talent.. Then I stumbled on this reddit from a link along the lines of learn to draw for programmers. And I still cant draw :) But I'm 1000 times better than I was 3 months ago. Am addicted, never would have guessed that at 48 years old I would suddenly start learning to draw after 30 years of hardcore games programming.

Learning to draw has literally opened my eyes to the world, we take what we see so for granted we dont actually study what we are looking at, its only when you have to put a bit of reality down on a 2d piece of paper that you realise all the tricks your brain is playing on you!

So thanks for all the hard work you put in.

And a request.

Post a video of you drawing with ink and paper, none of this cheating digital with undo, suffer like we do :) BTW I loved seeing your personal homework from your art course and your drawings over the years!

dizzydizzy in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2017-08-12 05:48

another 5 plants and some stalks trying to be more into the page and less flat on all the time.


My feeling that I should be better was based off my previous attempt at the plants lesson from before I was a patreon ( old attempts I was comparing to https://imgur.com/a/RMC59), where I think I was more impressed with myself because prior to draw a box I would struggle to draw a stick man, let alone a plant, also I was doing a lot of shading rather than as the exercise is meant to be about construction.

I think my improvement in box drawing speed left me drawing faster, then I didnt slow down coming into the plants. Half of learning to draw seems to be learning to slow down.

dizzydizzy in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2017-08-09 11:06

Wow a lot of feedback for me to absorb there. I think you really nailed every point though.

Will get back to you with another 4.

I think half the process of learning to draw is learning patience and not to rush anything.


dizzydizzy in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2017-08-06 09:54


was in two minds at to whether to submit these or start again.. I feel like I should be doing better than this.

edit, deleted the extra links as I added more images, found I could add them to above album

dizzydizzy in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-08-04 04:35

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.

I noticed my struggle with circles too, the larger they are the more I struggle, will have to dedicate some extra practice time to them..

dizzydizzy in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-08-03 11:36

I'm a lot better at straight lines than curves


I have more pages but I picked out the least bad.

dizzydizzy in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-07-30 22:40

Thanks , re-watching the video I see what you mean, when I'm doing the ghosting I'm actually focusing on the movement in the correct direction, but my speed is reversed I can see I sometimes move towards the point slowly and fast return so I will watch out for that.

dizzydizzy in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-07-30 05:35

250 boxes as requested.


At the start ten were taking me an hour by the end it was more like 25 an hour.

I actually have 60 others I did a month or 2 ago as well not uploaded.

Video of one of the last boxes being drawn, filming made me really nervous so its not one of my better boxes! I tended to draw using either this method (in the vid) or the Y method in your video.


dizzydizzy in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-07-23 01:30

Thanks for the feedback, all spot on..

But damn you for cursing me with the 250 box challenge !! :)

dizzydizzy in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-07-21 10:35

I reached the animal lesson with self critique and am now starting again from the beginning.
