Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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cartoonishguy in the post "John Park starts an affordable online foundational art program, "Foundation Group""

2015-05-27 04:22

Don't be so hard on yourself, I think your website is excellent and you are awesome. I've seen great improvements in my drawings and confidence since I started coming to your subreddit back in January. Although I'm on a break from the lessons at the moment.

I think it's important as artists to learn from a wide range of places. There are plenty of places people can go to learn art. John Park is as much your competition as a community painting class is or a book on a shelve. If you were to release a book of your lessons I would buy it. Actually that would be amazing if you did that. But I don't other art lessons are your competition, I think of all of it as sister programs.

I think your website is a great resource, maybe the best resource I've encountered. I think most folks can spare a at least a dollar a month for you. I've told multiple people about this subreddit.

To sum it up. This.

cartoonishguy in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-04-01 03:59

I uploaded my first attempt just as I think the original lesson was being re-done so it fell through the cracks. I wasn't happy with my own results so I drew a few more animals as practice but then I got really busy and took a some time away from drawing. I picked it up again late last week and redid the lesson entirely. So three albums with the 3rd being the most recent!

Also, I love the way you've written the new lessons too! Very informative and helpful. And the videos great too! You're the man.

First - http://imgur.com/a/scf7z

Second - http://imgur.com/a/ewQ5b

Third - http://imgur.com/a/VP15a

cartoonishguy in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-03-08 22:37

It looks like my comment fell through the cracks!

cartoonishguy in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2015-03-05 01:20

Here is my the album - http://imgur.com/a/scf7z

I think around the bears (page 4) the lesson started to click. I was tempted not to upload my first attempt of dogs (page 2) because they turned out laughably bad. But I decided to upload it anyway because I think it's interesting to see my slow improvement.

One issue I noticed was that none of the animals I drew looked like gravity was effecting them. They are just sort of floating there, will this issue fix itself with practice or is there something specific I should think about?

cartoonishguy in the post "LESSON 4: Drawing Insects, Arachnids and Other Creepy Crawlies"

2015-02-23 23:08

Here is the album - http://imgur.com/a/JBDD9

I felt these were hit or miss. Mostly miss. Almost all miss.

cartoonishguy in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Cylinders"

2015-02-16 23:22

Here is the album, http://imgur.com/a/bXk0P

The 250 cube challenge helped me draw cubes immensely so I decided to take a detour from the main lessons to draw a bunch of cylinders!

cartoonishguy in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-02-10 23:23

Here is the album, http://imgur.com/a/bJGMr

I hope you are feeling better! The ribbons are definitely good doodle material, I did a few extra pages of them that I didn't upload.

And thank you again for running this subreddit! This is definitely the best and more productive use of reddit I've ever seen.

cartoonishguy in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-02-05 22:51

Third times the charm! http://imgur.com/a/IgUX8

cartoonishguy in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-02-02 21:21


Okay, I did 3 plants and stopped each one when I was doing the natural contour lines. I tried to be more confident with my lines. I have a bad habit of sketching/chicken scratching when I am not feeling confident in my drawing.

I had a lot of trouble with my 3rd image, I tried it twice and both look pretty bad to me. I feel like the overall shape for each leaf doesn't convey "leaves". I thought maybe the natural contour lines would help communicate leafs better but those made the drawing look worse.

cartoonishguy in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-01-29 21:44

Alright, I gave this lesson a try. http://imgur.com/a/maf01

I am also continuing to work on the intersections although I only took a picture of one of the pages I did. They are rough.

I felt like these were either hit or miss for me. (a big miss being the rose that I tried twice on the 8th page). Although I feel like I improved over time but you can be the judge of that.

cartoonishguy in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2015-01-20 22:44

Alright I gave it another try! I got rid of the long forms or at least I tried to (I did a few on the second page accidentally). But man, this is a very difficult exercise. I'm having a tough time wrapping my head around it. This time I tried to follow follow the step by step as well as the one you wrote about the intersecting spheres. It hurts my head to think about. Also the fact I can't erase and that every line is final is tough, I'm so used to pencil or digital.


cartoonishguy in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2015-01-19 05:08

Here is my attempt at lesson 2!


I had a tough time with this lesson! Not being able to erase is a real struggle for me. I also just noticed I left a couple of forms floating on one of my dissections pages just now. Oops. I thought I connected them.

cartoonishguy in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2015-01-12 05:08

Here are the boxes, [http://imgur.com/a/ncBa0


Soooo many boxes. But totally worth it! I feel like my line work improved over time although you can be the judge of that.

cartoonishguy in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2015-01-08 22:21

Alright, here is my redo redo, third times the charm! http://imgur.com/a/9HDvG

The dull lines on the second line page are from when I practiced ghosting. It definitely took longer than 6 hours, I wasn't sure I was even going to finish today. I feel like ghosting really helped with my linework!

cartoonishguy in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2015-01-05 04:44

Here is my redo! http://imgur.com/a/W4Qye

It's totally true, I have a tendency to rush when I draw. I tried slowing down this time and every time I started to get antsy I put down the pen and took a breath.

And thank you for taking the time to look at these and run this subreddit! I appreciate it a lot!

cartoonishguy in the post "LESSON 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2015-01-05 00:31

Here is mine: http://imgur.com/a/unIv0

Thank you so much for starting this subreddit Uncomfortable! My New Years resolution this year is to learn to draw anything realistically with confidence! I've tried in the past but always failed because I saw zero improvement.