Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles"

2018-04-03 20:34

cracks knuckles

OK - I have probably said it before, but I feel like I'm getting this. You are right, starting with a box and subdividing makes sense to me. I can establish perspective right off the bat, and break it down from there. If I had to chose 4 of my 7 new vehicles, I would submit this one, this one, this one, and this one...but here's the album because I've been putting in work.

Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles"

2018-03-30 02:07

Alright I took your suggestions into consideration, and I have an additional 9 studies to present for critique. As always, thank you.

Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles"

2018-03-20 00:47

I shed a lot slop in lessons 4-6 but this lesson I felt the slop creeping up. The Mini Cooper construction felt right doing it, I took my time. Ill buckle down, watch my slop, watch my hatch, and return with three cleaner, constructed vehicles. Thanks for the critique.

Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "Lesson 7: Drawing Vehicles"

2018-03-18 18:30

Howdy Uncomfortable...I've put a lot of hours into this lesson, both in learning and drawing. I feel like proper vehicle drawing will take quite some time to continue to refine, but recently it's been clicking more and more, and I'm understanding more of the construction techniques. While I'm not exactly proud of some of these, I'm still seeing progress, and I think learning and grasping what's intended from this lesson. I plan to work on vehicles for a lot longer, but I wanted to submit my work now to get a feel for stuff to work on moving forward. As always, thank you for what you do, and I look forward to your feedback. Here's my Lesson 7 Submission.

Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2018-02-21 04:17

Alrighty, so 250+ cylinders later, a major focus on shoulder use (even for the small stuff), reviewing the lesson 2 form intersection video (drew a couple of these prior to watching that :/ - so line weight is a little wonky), and stopping myself from guessing. I feel better about these submissions. Here's my four additional everyday objects.

Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2018-02-18 18:01

Feeling a lot less intimidated and awkward shouldering ellipse and cylinders.


Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "Lesson 6: Drawing Everyday Objects"

2018-02-15 21:40

Hi Uncomfortable...unlike Sven, I have no complicated questions. Just another critique for your backlog...

My lesson 6 submission (with commentary as usual).

Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2018-02-10 18:56

Thanks so much for the critique. Ill review the leg building process, it felt weird doing it in segments, and youre right thats what I did...I had in my head that was the proper way.

I have an ingrained tendency to scribble and zig zag so it takes considerable forethought and attention to not so that, but I am getting better.

Re: Owl...yeah you nailed it. I didnt realize that but its about as flat as it gets on the head and my eye stickers, while I was quite happy with the shape, are lifeless little flat circles...

Excited for lesson 6! Thanks again!

Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals"

2018-02-09 21:59

I've enjoyed this lesson..I was trying to get a little uncomfortable with some of the angles of the subjects in the reference photos. it worked. I'm not thrilled with all of them, but I feel like I definitely learned a lot along the way. As always, thanks for doing what you do. Here's my lesson 5 submission (with commentary).

Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2018-02-03 23:48

Thanks so much for the feedback. I do need to work on being more deliberate and selective with the lines I put down; its something Ive been being mindful of lately. Ill focus on your suggestions, and apply them in lesson 5!

Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2018-01-30 18:05

I've been working hard on these critters all week.

I now find myself looking at everyday objects and thinking of how I could deconstruct it or simplify them and then draw using the construction method. I've caught some type of "bug"

...I'll see myself out.

But FIRST! Here's my submission.

Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-01-22 21:28

Alrighty, here goes nothing. Another two plants https://imgur.com/a/Rbkeg

Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-01-20 16:12

OK so I watched the videos, and tried to work slowly and thoughtfully.

I'm most happy with my bunny ear cactus, and probably least happy with the peyote cactus, mainly due to the in my opinion unnecessary lines. I do feel like it's clicking though.


Thanks so much!

Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-01-16 18:23

I didn't realize you posted so much content. I will check out all the lesson 3 videos and report back with four additional plants. Thanks so much!

Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2018-01-13 20:51

Hey uncomfortable, took a pretty long break. I got looking at my sketchbook recently and decided I really wanted to continue my learning. Anyway, heres my lesson 3 submission


Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2016-07-05 03:31

Hey /u/Uncomfortable here's my most recent attempt at Lesson 2.


Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2016-06-30 20:30

OK, I appreciate the feedback; I'm happy to keep working, like I REALLY want to get better. The areas you mentioned are areas that I know I'm struggling with. I'm going to check out the video and practice, practice, practice, so it might be a few days or week to get the additional pages done. I do have a question: For the form intersections, is it 2 or 3 point perspective? I suspect it isn't something to get hung up on, but I never know if my verticals so slant or not...

Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2016-06-30 19:43

Hey /u/Uncomfortable

Here's my lesson 2 homework; the intersections were pretty tough at first but near the end I felt like I was getting it. Eager for suggestions and critiques. Thanks!

Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2016-06-28 18:27

Thank you, and yes, I will do the corrections. I completely forgot about that, but as I look at my boxes, I can see the near/far plan mistakes. Thanks for the timely response, I'm excited to dive further into these lessons!!!

Carlton_Honeycomb in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2016-06-28 00:52

So, prior to my patronage, a fellow redditor offered some advice, told me to work on boxes a bit longer. I was kind of burned out with boxes at that point and ignored it, but I think he was right. I have been drawing boxes like they're going out of style. Only a fraction of them are pictured here. The last two pages, the "Bonus" squares, I approached with ghosting in mind for each and every line, and rotated the page for a more consistent pull. I appreciate you taking the time to provide feedback, and for doing all that you do/have done.

Anyway, here's the 250+ boxes

EDIT: Changed squares to boxes for clarity's sake.