Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
boothnat's Comments | Check out their posts instead

boothnat in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2016-08-03 18:14

I find it very difficult to express anything in pen. In general, I find it very hard to do these exercises with one, whereas with a pencil my quality of work and layins jumps dramatically. Would you say the exercise becomes useless if I do it in pencil? I don't plan on submitting, for reasons.As it is, doing these with a pen just makes me worry over everything and feel I'm not making progress after each drawing.

Tldr- is it pointless to do these with a pencil?

boothnat in the post "25 Texture Challenge - fleshed out into an actual challenge for those of you struggling with how to render different materials"

2016-07-12 17:01

I don't understand the terminology. Do we have to draw 25 textures, 25 times EACH, or 25 textures , one time each?