Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Aurontwist in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2016-03-24 13:45

Thanks a lot! Okay... I will do some serious texturing/detailing study to balance out my instant reflex of simple hatching. Already feeling the uncomfortable tingling sensation in my spine. Thanks for all the nitpicking! It's pretty motivational.

Aurontwist in the post "An Ongoing Record of Homework Submissions"

2016-03-22 17:34

I'm kinda interested in it. Could you tell me a bit more about the project? Actually I'm ui/ux and front-end developer.

Aurontwist in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2016-03-21 23:56

Hi There!

Just finished my last insect. I feel like I improved a lot. Enjoyed this lesson far more than the plants :) I also realised that I'm getting faster and faster. And my ability to envision things in 3D space got better. Still not satisfied. I lost my patience when it comes to details, resulting in qulaity loss :( Here is my HW:


Detailed Insects and Arachnids

Digital 1 (also improved lot in digital drawing - IMO )

Digital 2

Digital 3

Digital 4

Kick my ass please, I wanna be a Concept Artist!!! :)

Aurontwist in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2016-03-11 21:17

I see! Haven't even realized these issues. Thanks for pointing it out. I see, I have to improve my consciousness while drawing. It's one thing reading the instructions, but keeping in mind constantly and applying it with every stroke you made is a bit unnatural at this level. Need a whole new mind state. Similar to meditation. Will practice more!

Thanks for the critics!!!

Aurontwist in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2016-03-09 00:01

Just finished the homework. It was quite challenging. I'm not satisfied totally. See the progress, but when I'm taking a look at some of the arts on ArtStation, I wanna break my pens XD Adding textures gives me really hard time.



Beat me!

Aurontwist in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections (version 3)"

2016-02-24 19:34

Hi again. Here is my submission for Lesson 2:


Organic forms


I had hard time sweating through the intersections.

I can't imagine finishing it without using some 3D software to reconstruct the intersections to double-checking myself. I used ZBrush.

Anyway, it was fun wrapping my mind around these new concepts! Thanks for your time putting together this lesson!