Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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1eowo1f in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2016-09-21 12:07

Hi Uncomfortable!

Finally got the cylinder challange done:


Still not too happy with them by the end, but I feel they've improved from the beginning.

I find that constructing them inside a box makes a lot more sense to me in terms of geometry, but doing them with just a centreline seems to yield better results. I would like to be able to draw them well using the box method, but I suppose it's a case of practice.

1eowo1f in the post "State of the Union - September vacation, and dealing with the overwhelming number of homework submissions"

2016-08-23 02:31

What if you charged for the first 2 lessons, then made the rest free/Patreon supported?

A strange idea, but it would definitely cut down critiques for the initial lessons.

1eowo1f in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2016-08-22 14:00


I finally got around to finishing Lesson 2.

I will admit, I spent a lot of time procrastinating with the textures and I'm not awfully happy with the lemon and blue cheese texture I did at the end.

I found the intersections quite interesting to do after I got the hang of it, it's almost like a puzzle to try and figure them out properly.

And I quite enjoyed doing the organic intersections as well.

1eowo1f in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2016-07-07 09:05

Thanks for the feedback Uncomfortable!

I'll definitely keep practicing them.

And on to lesson 2. The big pile of sausages looks like it will be fun.

1eowo1f in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2016-07-06 07:44

Hi again Uncomfortable,

Did the "250" box challenge. http://imgur.com/a/RCx4t

The numbering is a bit funny for the first few pages, but it generally goes top to bottom, right to left.

There's two cubes labeled 3, two labeled 286 and I missed 247 and 259, so it evens out.

It was really quite noticeable in the beginning when I started drawing through the boxes exactly how much the far plane was bigger than the fore plane. I must say I didn't notice it nearly as much without drawing through them.

I would have liked to do some more significant foreshortening, but filling a page with boxes of lots of different rates of foreshortening makes them all look off. I guess that's something I'll work on when I practice drawing more boxes.