Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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YugamiSekai in the post "Internal crisis over the 50% rule"

2023-02-22 21:01

From Proko to Michael Hampton I haven't been able to find a good resource that tells you how to put the elements of gesture drawing together (CSI lines, flow, etc.) despite them all going to details about what said elements are, and the fact that pretty much everyone creates gesture drawings differently so I usually have no idea if I'm doing any of it right at all (which I'm pretty sure I'm nowhere near doing it right). Maybe I just need to know a bit of actual anatomy.

YugamiSekai in the post "Internal crisis over the 50% rule"

2023-01-31 01:27

See, I want to start learning gesture drawing, but every resource I have found on it has been extremely confusing.

YugamiSekai in the post "Internal crisis over the 50% rule"

2023-01-28 23:10

Gotcha'. I think the best route for me (as someone with basically endless time) would be to simply rip off the bandaid and split the time between DaB and play drawing ever further to add in Figure Drawing.

YugamiSekai in the post "Internal crisis over the 50% rule"

2023-01-28 22:33

Another golden response, thanks Unconfortable! I guess that I'm still trying to cope with the fact that my sketches will look like this for a while, and while it's not necessarily a bad thing, it's gonna take a lot of getting used to. I see that in order to evolve and move on I'll have to continue doing... exactly what I've been doing!

Although I would like to know, when exactly would be a good time to start to introduce learning other things such as Figure Drawing? When I finish the 250 box challenge again, or when I finish DaB as a whole?