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Yarik_ in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2017-01-06 10:13

I indeed repeated old lessons - but mostly focussed on boxes and turning shapes around as I felt that was my biggest weakness. I'll make sure to also repeat the "beans" and organic forms more frequently because they probably help with this.

Thanks for the critique, I'll keep those points in mind

Yarik_ in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids (new 40min intro video, 3 new demos)"

2017-01-05 18:01

Hey! Hope you had a nice christmas & new year!

I was seemingly absent after finishing the plants since I didn't feel like I was ready to move on from them and the insects just yet.


I'm mostly curious if I did improve or did backsteps without realizing it, hence the older ones for comparison & critique. If you think seeing only recent ones would help much more I can show those instead, though!

Yarik_ in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2016-06-07 21:39

Thanks a lot for that collection you've send out. It's really helpful!

I've finished my homework for the third lesson:


I know you're taking a break so don't feel rushed, I can wait!

The only observation I can do myself right now is that I need to work on thin objects (leafs/petals) a LOT more.

Yarik_ in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2016-06-02 21:19

Ehhh how did I miss those messages.

Never mind - I'm seeing you're trying to have a break here. Lengthy questions are kinda rude.

I'll just keep going with the plants for this month and take all the flowers in there too. If we're indeed going to have a lesson for folds/similar things later on it won't hurt to have "learned" something similar before anyways :V

Yarik_ in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2016-06-02 21:17


I'm close to finish the minimum homework and think I'm generally understanding what I'm doing by now but there is one exception: Flowers (twisting ones).

This one is a good example:


It actually reminds me of skirts/dresses, but even more complex. Should I be able to draw/understand those by now or are these kind of "gravity-depending"-shapes saved for a later lesson?

I'd just like to make sure that I don't move on until I'm fine with the current lesson but I'm not quiet sure if those belong into this one. These "gravity shapes" feel like they are worth a different lesson so I just wanted to make sure I'm not starting to have a wrong focus here.

Yarik_ in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2016-05-14 08:27

Thanks that really helped! :) I'll take a while until I've improved enough on this subject to show some pages for critique, though. Just wanted to let me know I read it and appreciate the visual help! :)

Yarik_ in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2016-05-10 20:05

Hey! I've started with an Aloe Vera (probably not the best choice for the first exercise?) and I'm having serious trouble making the leafs flat yet thick. Nearly all of my attempts end up looking too round/too much volume. (Especially when making use of ellipses) By now I think I understood how to draw them "linear" but when twisting the leafs (similar to the arrow exercise - I actually tried to draw them similar to those but it doesn't cure the issue of the "round base" or a 2d-look on the twisting area)

Here are some papers with examples of the problem:


Yarik_ in the post "250 Box Challenge (#3)"

2016-01-31 12:17

Alright, here is my finished challenge: http://imgur.com/a/6EEeJ

I already dedicated a lot of boxes towards the rotating/"on a string" approach. I feel like I improved compared to the lesson 1 rotations, but I'll have to do a ton more to get a feeling for keeping the same sizes in space.

Yarik_ in the post "250 Box Challenge (#3)"

2016-01-30 17:35


I realized that I'm having a lot of trouble drawing/rotating the same box. It already was an issue in the "rotated box"-exercise but within this challenge I became even more aware of it. When I draw the same box in various angles it keeps looking off / different. The sizes vary too much.

Is this an issue I should already focus on right now or is the "maintaining size&form" something that appears in later lessons?

Yarik_ in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes (version 3)"

2016-01-16 22:04

Thanks for the helpful critique! I'll definitively try something like the "boxes on a string" as I seem to struggle with maintaining "the same size" of a rotating box in perspective.

Yarik_ in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes (version 3)"

2016-01-15 15:22

Oh wow you seem to have a lot to do. I don't mind waiting for a while if you are overloaded!

Link: http://imgur.com/a/YQB5J

(The dates are chaotic and don't really mean a lot as I keep repeating lessons while doing the newer ones. I've plenty of pages for some exercises and simply picked two that I felt represent my struggles with the tasks the best)

For the rough perspective exercise: If the red lines are annoying please let me know and I'll upload two clean pages.