Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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wirbolwabol in the post "I dusted off my sketchbooks from when I took Dynamic Sketching with Peter Han back in 2013. Figured you guys might like to see me floundering with the material."

2016-08-01 05:51

Interesting observation. I felt my sketches were more natural and gave me some freedom to make some mistakes though also mask them. Maybe not the best approach, but it was just for quick sketches. I do feel that improving my skills and filling in the gaps would be essential as well as time to focus...which I have a bit more of at the moment.

I do look forward to going through the exercises and tighten up my drawings as the looseness is great for the quick lunch sketches but I also do want a bit more refined work for an eventual portfolio.

wirbolwabol in the post "I dusted off my sketchbooks from when I took Dynamic Sketching with Peter Han back in 2013. Figured you guys might like to see me floundering with the material."

2016-08-01 05:19

I'm in that self taught group that could use refinement. I just doodle a lot and started using a rougher technique(I was told to stop trying to make a perfect line every time) that an illustrator friend used, though they seemed to have a better sense of the organic than I ever did very similar to your style.

Edit: Meant to also say I love your drawings and stuff, btw....it's pretty amazing stuff! :)