Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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watchingmidnight in the post "The Future of Free Critiques on /r/ArtFundamentals"

2016-09-26 17:39

Thanks for all you've been providing!

I read many of the state of the union posts and don't remember them now (so the following idea may have been brought up), but maybe something in the future you could consider is also a "sponsor a free critique" level on patreon - say, the $3 level gets you a critique, but the $10 level gives you and one random (by lottery?) person a critique.

You're definitely not a money-grubber in any sense, just showing that there needs to be an economy of sorts. And I (and many others I'm sure) are totally grateful for the resource you're providing.

I'm looking forward to the Q&A since at least one question I have hasn't seemed to be answered when glancing through Lesson 1 critiques.