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tytussle in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2016-07-02 20:24

Thanks so much for the feedback!

I'll admit that the hatching was done hastily and is definitely sloppy as a result. It was more an afterthought than anything else. The idea behind them was to show which sides of the boxes were facing toward the viewer and nothing more, considering how drawing through the boxes added extra lines which could cause a lot of confusion. I wanted to portray which side was intended to face the viewer, even if that side was horribly misshapen, so that it'd be easier to find as point out the mistakes in the box construction itself even when looking at it later.

I'll keep it in mind though to keep everything consistent and clean, as it all has an impact on the image as a whole.

tytussle in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2016-07-02 11:51


There it is, all 250. And here's my brain going through the challenge:

25 boxes: "I can get into this!" - 50 boxes: "This might take awhile." - 75 boxes: "I hate boxes." - 100 boxes: "I really hate boxes." - 125 boxes: "Boxes are the devil." - 150 boxes: "I'm getting into this." - 175 boxes: "Dum-di-do, box, box, box." - 200 boxes: "I'm groovin' on these boxes." - 225 boxes: "I'm almost there." - 250 boxes: "Is that all? I kind of want more."

I stopped marking so much after 94 because I was doing so much nitpicking. Most of the mistakes were pretty obvious to me without marking them so I didn't feel the need to continue marking every little divergent/curved/wobbly line unless I felt it was really bad. Also, the drawing through helped to visualize a lot of the mistakes better.

I did mess around a little bit with line weight and it seemed okay for the most part, but I'm not entirely certain about the best methods of adding it in. I was tracing over the lines like with the "superimposed line" exercise in lesson 1. Is there a better way? Different methods for different lines?

So at this point I'm looking at the cylinder challenge as well as lesson 2 and doing them concurrently. Should I do one before the other or is working on them together fine?

Thanks for your feedback!