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tsak021 in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (version 3)"

2015-11-25 01:43

Will do. Unfortunately, on some of them, the legs actually were straight. (ex: http://i.imgur.com/0YKgBfv.jpg)

But I do see your point. Each lesson I have something new to work on. In the beginning I struggled with contour shapes, but I see those a bit more now. Now putting pieces together and seeing it all as shapes and being more organic is my next hurdle. I read thru some critiques of others and I think I see the same problem in me. I sometimes rush through a drawing, as if there is an end. I guess cause I my end goal is drawing people, I animals as a hurdle to get there. But obviously the 2 are going to share a lot of similarities.

I've got to the point now where I schedule time just for drawing. Whether it be 30mins or an hour or more. And I am changing my POV as treating these as building blocks, not just the next step towards my end goal.

Like you said, Rome wasn't built in a day, and i'm sure they took their time with each pillar before they could add the roof :D

tsak021 in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (version 3)"

2015-11-24 04:44

I def will have to practice individual parts and seeing the snouts as shapes. i think that was a big challenge. Doing the panda on the last page with better shapes def. helped. However, some of the other animals, circles were good starting points cause it was circular :D

I def. plan to do the 250 cylinder/box challenge before doing the every day objects (obviously assuming I pass this lesson :P )

Just trying to see everything has shapes now. Would printing out some animal photos and actually tracing shapes over them help a bit?

tsak021 in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (version 3)"

2015-11-17 18:45

Some takeaways I found this time around. There are times when I jsut get super busy, and i go a few days or worse, a week, without drawing, and I can see it when I mess up. Was fine with birds cause I started off from the last lesson, then a break, and my dogs looked like poo. I keep trying to stay positive and not say, man, my work sucks compared to so-in-so... Mainly cause I don't know how long they have been drawing and so on.

My Drawings: http://imgur.com/a/jvutm

tsak021 in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids (version 3)"

2015-09-14 02:41

Took too long, but.. life happens. Included my failed attempts too. Will definitely take the advice I saw here about fur/hairiness into Lesson 5 (when I get the pass). Insects/Plants. Just so hard to choose one, even though there are so many, there seem to be so few to pick from.


tsak021 in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-06-03 23:37

After I drew it, I was like 'shit'.. Sounds like I will have to do the 250 cylinder challenge soon so I don't make that mistake again.

On to the creepy crawlers!

tsak021 in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-06-03 21:17

Took a bit of time, then took some more time for each plant. Worked a bit on trying to do some texture/shading and really feel out the organic side of the plants before jumping into the complex shapes. Hope I succeeded :D


tsak021 in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2015-05-26 01:41

I never wanna draw plants again... http://imgur.com/a/kwLly

These were definitely difficult and I spent way more time picking out plants than drawing :\ I definitely need to work on more shading/texture/and so on.. But, that will come with more drawing and more practice.