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TheNoLifeKing in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2018-07-29 21:52

Yay! Thank you. I had trouble seeing the proper perspective on that chicken scratched rough perspective as I made a big mistake on that box so I kind of kept drawing over it until I could see it - prob should of just left it the way it was. Hatching could of been better without a doubt. I did get confused a few times while hatching as well. Overall tightening p everything is something I need to focus on.

TheNoLifeKing in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2018-07-29 04:22


Phewww. This was exhausting. I see a lot of my errors and am considering doing the rotated box exciersie over just from how much I feel like i learned from doing it abou 3d space

For the reason I can reorder the images as im on mobile so theyre a little scattered

TheNoLifeKing in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-02-02 22:52

Thanks for taking the time to write that out. There was a point where I was looking more for an end result rather then getting down a technique. I guess I had gotten so caught up in trying to understand the perspective of the boxes right I lost focus on the basic fundamentals and rules you put out. I'll redo Part 3 and post it when I get it finished.

TheNoLifeKing in the post "Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes"

2017-02-02 00:05

(Donated under happehlemons on patreon)

Finally, I finished this. I have no history nor drawing experience, but your lessons really inspired me.

First of all, this was really hard for me. I am very bad a drawing. Specifically the rotated boxes. This might sound insane, but it took me a year to finish this. When i started these lessons I was REALLY BAD sketching boxes. I could not understand it for some reason. I spent months and months casually sketching boxes. I really wanted to get it down before I submitted it. Things kept coming up but I kept going back to your lessons.

I want to get to the point where I can see a box in my head and be able to put it down on paper no matter what angle is it at. I'm still not there yet, but I feel like I'm getting much closer now.

Maybe I should also mention that I was able to complete the rotated boxes to a point where I found acceptable as of last week. The first attempt on it was I think sometime in April 2016 (Seen in the assignment)


TheNoLifeKing in the post "Added some notes on how to approach rotation in perspective - beware, I have no idea if this is technically correct, it's just what makes sense to me, and that's the best I can offer"

2016-04-03 19:20

Thanks, I've been having a bit of trouble warping my mind around perspective but you've been very helpful.

TheNoLifeKing in the post "Added some notes on how to approach rotation in perspective - beware, I have no idea if this is technically correct, it's just what makes sense to me, and that's the best I can offer"

2016-04-03 17:04

I've go another question actually. In your lesson you say an object in two point perspective starts with an arbitrary line.

What happen to an object in two point perspective when you draw the arbitrary line outside of one of the vanishing points (No longer confining it to within the bounds of the two vanishing points you've drawn), or on top of one of the vanishing point?

For example:


How you would you connect this to both of the vanishing points if the lines would be overlapping?

TheNoLifeKing in the post "Added some notes on how to approach rotation in perspective - beware, I have no idea if this is technically correct, it's just what makes sense to me, and that's the best I can offer"

2016-03-31 16:51

I'm completely new to drawing and this has helped me understand a lot.

I was also confused about the whole 1, 2 and 3 point perspective thing because in reality wouldn't every object in perspective have 3 vanishing points, making everything in 3 point perspective somehow? Them existing, but just at infinity makes more sense to me.


TheNoLifeKing in the post "Added some notes on how to approach rotation in perspective - beware, I have no idea if this is technically correct, it's just what makes sense to me, and that's the best I can offer"

2016-03-31 14:56

Although I've been doing your first lessons right along I really have hit a bit of a roadblock when it comes to perspective. I took a slight break to do a bit more research into it because I wanted to fully grasp it before drawing because I wanted to make sure I'm not just copying what you're doing for the sake of it.

Something that really hung me up is your line "Even a single object - given that it is more interesting than a box - can have more than three." Most objects are more interesting then a box, but I am hard pressed to find examples of a drawing that has more then 3 vanishing points. What are some examples of this?