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t3h_m00kz in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections (version 3)"

2015-12-24 04:03

Here is my homework.

Looking at the requirements of the dynamic sketching lessons, I invested in some felt-tips, which I began to use mid-lesson. They're far less forgiving than ballpoint.

Intersections were far more difficult than I'd anticipated - simple in theory but difficult in execution. I failed to keep my forms lateral in the first few pages, entirely my mistake. I feel I made some significant improvement by the time the last page came about.

t3h_m00kz in the post "250 Box Challenge (#3)"

2015-12-16 05:55

Here is my homework.

Done with ballpoint on cardstock and redlined digitally.

I feel like my grasp on line weight is a bit finicky. I'm also noticing my linework is a little wobbly - I tend to take drawing cubes much more slowly and cautiously than placing lines on anything else. There's also a bit more perspective distortion than I'd like.