Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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scarlettinthewood in the post "how on earth do I draw with the shoulder?"

2022-03-18 11:15

What worked for me was viewing this drawing exercise as an actual exercise, and working out my shoulder muscles. You shoulder and its movement is connected to both the front pectoral and the back muscles, so understanding and strengthening these can help you access how to draw from your shoulder. Standing up and drawing at an easel will also help you understand this as your arm gets tired!

Another exercise that drums the point for me is phsically holding my arm at the wrist, and seeing the range of movement, and then holding it above the elbow, and seeing the range of movement, then let go and wave your whole arm. Wrist is writing, elbow is quick arcs, but the shoulder is a full waving motion - graceful, like a dance.