Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Pyrokitten284 in the post "/r/ArtFundamentals (not Drawabox) will be shutting down permanently"

2023-06-18 22:29

And this here is what I figured youd go for. Alright, cool.

As far as Ive read, the accessibility argument stems from the fact that Reddit, at its core, never really made accommodations to allow access to certain groups (such as the blind and vision impaired). This was done by other groups, the third party developers, who gave enough of a shit to make this site accessible.

You can call it a guilt trip strawman if youd like- but to a lot of redditors (such as those whove decided to permanently shut down certain subs or change the direction its going in in protest) its not. Its Reddit continually proving theyve stopped caring about the user base so long as they can make more money. And this was just the straw that broke the camels back. So yeah. Maybe they should feel guilty for denying reasonable accommodations to their user base in the name of jacking up their profits.

Honestly though, its not a strawman simply for the fact that its a part of a larger systemic issue that was just too much to continue ignoring, and people have decided they dont wanna play ball with Reddits bs on this subject anymore.

Pyrokitten284 in the post "/r/ArtFundamentals (not Drawabox) will be shutting down permanently"

2023-06-18 16:25

Ill bite. I suspect most folks arent responding because your initial statement feels like bait for a bad faith argument thats completely missing the point- it doesnt and shouldnt matter the percentage of users that utilize third party apps when it comes to the topic of accessibility.

r/Blind has certainly covered the full issue of accessibility better than I ever could, but Ive gotta ask- do you understand that a good portion of this protest and upheaval of the Reddit norms at this point is more to do with solidarity for the minority youre speaking of?