Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

/r/ArtFundamentals (not Drawabox) will be shutting down permanently


2023-06-17 00:54


Tl;dr: Reddit is changing in ways we do not agree with, and we are not comfortable having a presence here on a platform we can no longer trust. Subreddit will close later this month, although the specific date is as yet undecided. In the meantime, join us on our Discord chat server.

Earlier this week, I posted about reddit's API pricing changes that will be rolling out July 1st. There was, and is still in some significant form, a subreddit blackout in protest of these changes, and by and large it appears that reddit's management has not handling this as one would hoped, although it is certainly as one might expect.

Much as I would have liked to participate in the blackout, this all unfolded while I was unexpectedly out of town to attend my grandmother's funeral, helping my parents with a complicated move, and ultimately travelling back home. While many subreddits don't have too much to worry about in regards to locking/unlocking their communities because they exist largely here on reddit, I was not in a position to quickly deal with any technical fallout related to the integrations between drawabox.com and reddit.

That said, having now had the time to properly look at the issue as a whole, and the further statements made by reddit administration and management, I have decided to shut this subreddit down, permanently, and will do so in the coming weeks. I'm currently bogged down with last-minute work to get our promptathon event ready (this is also something my very sudden travels has hindered, so I'm not yet certain if we'll be able to hold it for the end of June, but I'm doing everything I can to meet that goal), so this is probably something I'll manage during that last week when the promptathon is hopefully being held.

This community started on reddit, back in August 2014. It wasn't like most other subreddits - the only posts were the lessons I uploaded, and community members participated by posting their homework as comments, which I would then critique. Eventually in October 2016 the workload became untenable, so while implementing a paywall for the critiques I'd done for free up until that point, I also shifted the subreddit structure to allow students to submit their homework as regular posts, allowing them to critique one another. This moved us to being more of a regular subreddit, but one still intrinsically tied to the Drawabox course (which from Spring 2015 existed on its own separate website, allowing some of our audience to support our efforts through Patreon without running afoul of reddit's policies).

The reason I'm mentioning this is because reddit's management has recently stated that if a subreddit is "abandoned" it would be within their rights to assign a new moderation team to take it over in order to ensure users' access regardless of the intent or wishes of those who first built it. Certainly this is unlikely to be an issue that would impact us - we've certainly grown a great deal since we hit our first thousand, but they were likely thinking about communities considerably larger, more generalized, and with fewer grounds for legal action over damage to a brand via misrepresentation if such a thing were to occur.

All the same, the stench of it does not sit well with me. They are driving a wedge between everyday users, the volunteers who build, moderate, and maintain the subreddits those users enjoy, and the developers who've created amazing third party applications to help make reddit more user-friendly when those actually profiting couldn't be bothered. They appear to be gambling that the far greater number of users - many of which will never be aware of this issue, and many of which aren't really that concerned by it - will outweigh and drown out the voices of those who understand the inequity in reddit's current approach.

I am fortunate - I do not count myself amongst those many users who work their asses off to ensure the communities you love continue to run smoothly. I have been, and continue to be compensated for my labour. Furthermore, as a community we are all fortunate, because in the closing down of this subreddit, we lose only one of several of our bases, and if I'm going to be frank, the one that is least valuable to us.

We will still have:

Many communities here on reddit are not so fortunate. The majority of them are operated by moderators who receive nothing for their time - unless you count the vitriol thrown at them whenever they are forced to do their jobs. Reddit has been a lot of things over the last decade and a half, but whether for good or for bad, it has always been due to the creativity, hard work, and passion of four parties: the administration, the users, the mods, and the third party developers.

Reddit would be a very sad place if left only to the first two.

As far as Drawabox is concerned, there's nothing to worry about. While we won't be on reddit, we will still be offering our free foundational drawing course as we always have, and will continue to improve it to the benefit of all. But for reddit as a whole, don't sleep on this. We all owe it to the people who've made reddit great to support them in whatever ways we can.

So long, and thanks for all the boxes.

Edit: Some of you have asked about what will happen to the potentially valuable advice that has been offered on this subreddit.

Short answer is, I've attempted to back up the subreddit's contents, but I've hit severe limitations. The main problem is that in order to back everything up, you need to know what posts actually exist on the subreddit. Using the API, you'd ask for the newest posts, and then gradually work your way back, just as a user would view the "new" page and then gradually scroll to get older and older content. Unfortunately, both on the website and through the API, this is capped at 1000 posts. There has existed a third party solution that continuously aggregates data, PushShift, but unfortunately Reddit's API changes and the turmoil around it has put a nail in that coffin, and that option is no longer viable. Doesn't mean it's impossible, just that it's beyond me.

What I have been able to do is back up everything that I have been involved in. Using my own user history, I've been able to grab the entirety of any post I've submitted, as well as any post I've commented upon (including other users' comments).

I've saved this to my own database, and will make it available - although I'm coming off 3 weeks of sudden and unexpected travel, plus 1 week of suffering from covid while also getting the final work necessary for our Summer Promptathon done, so I definitely need a break.

Hopefully this solution will be sufficient. It obviously isn't perfect, although most of what I've heard is that the responses and advice people are worried about losing is the advice I've written myself.


2023-06-17 01:26

Sad to see it go, but I fully support your choice. Thanks for running this place. It's been fun.


2023-06-17 01:29

Discord it is!


2023-06-17 17:36

Discord was my preference to start with, so many helpful friendly people there.


2023-06-17 01:35

Sad to see it go, but I absolutely understand why.


2023-06-17 01:50



2023-06-17 01:54

Bye Felicia


2023-06-17 03:23

I agree with you, Reddit got greedy.

Tear it down (virtually, of course) on your way out, Ill see you on discord.


2023-06-17 04:02

Reddit is changing in ways we do not agree with, and we are not comfortable having a presence here on a platform we can no longer trust.

would you say you're... Uncomfortable?


2023-06-17 04:10



2023-06-17 05:06

but for real, this is a bummer. it's totally understandable, and i'm glad the discord will remain, but it's always a bummer to see a good community come to an end.


2023-06-17 21:31

(°°) qoou

(Seriously, though. Thanks for everything you've done here.)


2023-06-17 04:05

Will my saved posts from this sub go when you shut it down? I have a lot of saved posts from here with useful information in them.

If yes, how should I go about saving the information?


2023-06-17 04:17

Could you give me some examples of the kinds of things you've saved from this subreddit? I'm going to have to look into this for you, and it'd help to have more context.


2023-06-17 05:07

I think there might be a way to archive the content of the sub while taking it down. I'm not sure how to present that in a usable format, but it would be a shame to lose all that data. I know individuals can request their saved posts from Reddit using a GDPR request, then you can feed that csv into another program that can download post content. I can try to figure out a way to do this before Jul 1st.

E: more info https://old.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/sllyah/in_case_you_dont_know_you_can_archive_your_reddit/


2023-06-17 18:26

Thanks for the suggestion! I'll look into that further once I've finished my promptathon work.


2023-06-17 05:04

Principled decision


2023-06-17 10:39

My condolences. Losing a loved one fucking sucks and it's completely understandable that during those times you put your focus on your family rather than what's happening on here.

This place (reddit) is going to shit, good on you for taking a stand.


2023-06-17 13:06

Discord is a better place for drawabox discussions anyway! I didn't like having to check 2 platforms for the latest in drawabox discussion content-- yes, I am lazy.


2023-06-18 16:25

For current discussions yes, but to go back and find previous content, discord is horrible


2023-06-17 13:41

Is there a discord?


2023-06-17 15:55

Did you only read the title?


2023-06-17 17:58

Is there a title?


2023-06-17 18:27

There is indeed. You'll find it linked in the tl;dr at the beginning of the post.


2023-06-17 21:19

Thanks I overlooked that


2023-06-17 14:47

It's kind of amazing how DrawABox changed from its original inception. The adventure has been fun but I understand and agree with what you're saying.

I'm not super active anymore but really glad that the community is still around on discord


2023-06-17 14:53

I would also add don't forget we still have imlgur too which was the original place to post our stuff. At least we still have the discord and drawabox site to help us get better.


2023-06-17 15:57

Truly the end of an era.

Just wanted to say thanks for all the work you've put in over the years!


2023-06-17 16:34

I only found out about the subreddit a week ago, which is what led me to find Draw A Box. It'll be such a shame to see it go, it's definitely the most useful thing that I have ever whilst browsing reddit. I feel lucky that I found out about this sub before it was too late, or else I wouldn't have found out about this amazing course


2023-06-17 17:11

Do mods realize that less than 10% of reddit uses third-party apps?


2023-06-18 01:20

9 down votes and no rebuttal, I guess they'd rather stare and ignore with their heads in the sand.


2023-06-18 16:25

Ill bite. I suspect most folks arent responding because your initial statement feels like bait for a bad faith argument thats completely missing the point- it doesnt and shouldnt matter the percentage of users that utilize third party apps when it comes to the topic of accessibility.

r/Blind has certainly covered the full issue of accessibility better than I ever could, but Ive gotta ask- do you understand that a good portion of this protest and upheaval of the Reddit norms at this point is more to do with solidarity for the minority youre speaking of?


2023-06-18 21:27

The accessibility argument is such a guilt trip straw man


2023-06-18 22:29

And this here is what I figured youd go for. Alright, cool.

As far as Ive read, the accessibility argument stems from the fact that Reddit, at its core, never really made accommodations to allow access to certain groups (such as the blind and vision impaired). This was done by other groups, the third party developers, who gave enough of a shit to make this site accessible.

You can call it a guilt trip strawman if youd like- but to a lot of redditors (such as those whove decided to permanently shut down certain subs or change the direction its going in in protest) its not. Its Reddit continually proving theyve stopped caring about the user base so long as they can make more money. And this was just the straw that broke the camels back. So yeah. Maybe they should feel guilty for denying reasonable accommodations to their user base in the name of jacking up their profits.

Honestly though, its not a strawman simply for the fact that its a part of a larger systemic issue that was just too much to continue ignoring, and people have decided they dont wanna play ball with Reddits bs on this subject anymore.


2023-06-19 02:02

I don't see how people who make third party apps deserve to be classified in the same light as people who create posts on Reddit or comment constructive comments with more information. It's cool that we have other options but I wouldn't really consider it integral to the ecosystem.


2023-06-23 19:47

Do users realize that the majority of mods use third-party apps to make the job of managing their subs far less time consuming?


2023-06-17 17:47

It's so sad the little valuable subreddits are impacted and that those are the ones the scumbag reddit execs don't really care about.

It would be so much better if this subreddit stayed open and pics, funny etc etc. committed seppuku. It's those subreddits that Reddit would be terrified of losing.

Those and anything consumer-products-related.

amazing to see r/headphones r/headphoneadvice and r/buildapc standing strong and

very sad that r/buildapcsales caved in


2023-06-17 20:07

It is unfortunate to see Reddit making such terrible decisions, regardless I am glad that Drawabox will be able to exist without it


2023-06-17 20:47

I give it 24 hours until a new one is created. Just like all the other ones.


2023-06-17 20:48

Are you in any way familiar with what this subreddit is built around, what it consists of, and what purpose it serves?


2023-06-18 02:10

I find this unfortunate. While Ive never posted or commented on anything in this sub, I actually have learned a ton of information just from your comments on other peoples posts. Itll be sad to lose those. Is it possible to still be able to access older posts?


2023-06-18 18:18

I'll be looking into this further once I've finished my work on the promptathon, and before the subreddit is shut down, and will get back to you when I have more information.


2023-06-18 23:11

Thanks man!


2023-06-24 02:39

Unfortunately it looks like there's not a lot of options available to us to preserve that information - at least not without leaving the subreddit open, and I'm firm on my decision to move away from Reddit.

Here's what I've looked into:

  • Making use of the european union's GDPR policies could allow for one to retrieve their own data, although it's only feasible for getting one's own data. Apparently they're also rather slow in responding, which would not make it a feasible solution to gather data prior to the closing of the subreddit.

  • I've spent a good bit of time looking into the reddit API (the same one Reddit's going to be imposing extreme pricing on). My intent was to basically archive the entire subreddit - all posts, all comments - but I hit an insurmountable roadblock. Basically using the API I can grab the "newest" posts from the subreddit, but I'm blocked from accessing more than the first 1000. Apparently that's also a hard limit when browsing through the website. The content is still there, but their system actively just stops giving you responses.

  • PushShift is a third party data-storage project that would have allowed us to get around the previous roadblock, but unfortunately Reddit shut off their access to the API and functionally disabled its usefulness to us in this situation. So, once again - thanks a lot, reddit.

So, I am not even close to being able to archive everything. What I have been able to do however is back up anything I have been involved in - meaning anything I have posted, and anything I have commented upon (along with all other comments involved). Basically the issue is the inability to have the older posts on the subreddit listed, but by using my own user as what's being used to list the posts. In total, that's 600+ posts, containing 5400+ comments, of which 470 are my own.

At some point I'll put this archive up on the Drawabox website in a searchable format. It'll be rudimentary, and I'm not going to jump on this immediately (3 weeks of travelling + 1 week of being sick with covid while getting the promptathon together has left me drained), but I'll get to it at some point.


2023-06-18 12:05

Some time ago i asked a question under one of your drawabox youtube videos, one of the first intro videos discussing students struggle to learn and get better, because i was confused by both the title and some of the dialogue. You gave a very well explained answer that cleared things up.

I haven't started drawabox yet since i haven't yet started a new attempt to learn how to draw, but everything i see about drawabox makes it appear to be a learning resource highly valued by all using it. Thanks for making a great learning resource.


2023-06-18 16:23

Man I think this is the wrong choice, you are hurting your members of this group more than Reddit. I just found out about this sub from the learntodraw sub and this is more of what I was looking for. Discord is not a good replacement for this type of content.


2023-06-18 23:32

Understandable! I haven't visited here in years, but just wanted to say my thank yous as this subreddit really kickstarted my artistic journey and eventually pushed me to pursue it full time. Thank you for all the hard work you've put into it!