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prodbyghost in the post "I cannot for the life of me figure out how to freely rotate a box."

2022-04-26 18:29

Here to get you started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jmIXmZVuKI&list=PLTjrpwaYBTeVRp9sJ31WFrzVTL8p6STXg&index=172 id start w this video and follow the other parts, this guy is golden, and took my understanding of it to anothr lvl i can say when iw as haveing trouble.

prodbyghost in the post "I cannot for the life of me figure out how to freely rotate a box."

2022-04-26 18:27


here is my art playlist on youtube ive gatherd videos since starting my journey last year in march ,bout 800 + videos in there , if you scroll down a few youll star tto see perspective videos, take a look

the latest videos are what im currently brushing up on, thew older videos are when i just started so the things your haveing problems with will be there :)

prodbyghost in the post "I cannot for the life of me figure out how to freely rotate a box."

2022-04-26 18:22

i was like you didint know how to rotate a box, move it or understand wtf iw as doing, but this is where you must learn some perspective, get a grasp of it watch other videos on how to draw a box in perspective and simple how to draw in perspectie, u might not understand everything at first. thats good now you have the information in your brain, when you must come back to the topic trust me if you been drawing boxes and practing trying to understand it on your own when you come back to these videos when you feel like you got alil better grasp of it, you ll see you now have a better understanding and the lightbul moment might hit you then or even earlier while u practice.

when drawing a box in perspective you have vanishing points on a horizion line (eye line) , in 2 point perspective you have 2 points on that line. one going the left side and another on the right, if u put it to far itll be distroted.. wich i think what your getting confused on. when you draw a vertical line, on each ends of that vertical line (top and bottom) you must draw from it to the vanishing point 1 and vanishing point 2. , going in both directions Vp1 and Vp2

now you can put a new vertical line down inbeteween the new lines you just drew to the VPs on each end depending how big or small you want the box.

sounds confusing in writing but u have to continue watching other videos on how to draw a box, and also do pages of boxes to understand it.