Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

I cannot for the life of me figure out how to freely rotate a box.


2022-04-21 15:15


I dont know if this post is allowed here but Im gonna try anyway. Ive been drawing on and off for years and I decided I should give this a try to really make it concrete. I worked through all of lesson one without much of a problem until now.

The organic perspective assignment has had me stuck for a few days and I really cant understand it. Every time I draw a box its the same as the last one just with different sized sides. I mean its facing the exact same direction, showing the same exact faces as the one next to it. I draw a line in a different direction and think im rotating it and it still comes out the same. I have no idea why as I am fine rotating literally anything else. I just cant figure out how to rotate the boxes around.

I guess Im asking for tools on how to do this exercise or if I can still be fine without it. Any help appreciated, I really want to understand it.

TL;DR I keep drawing the same exact box for the organic perspective exercise.


2022-04-21 16:49

Drawabox at times asks students to do things they're not equipped to accomplish successfully - the rotated boxes and organic perspective boxes at the end of Lesson 1 are one example of this, and it does state as much in the instructions. As explained back in Lesson 0, regardless of how difficult an exercise is, you should still only make as many attempts as you are assigned, so that you do not end up grinding away on something you're not meant to.

The organic perspective boxes serve to introduce students to the fact that this is a much more difficult problem to solve than they may have expected. It plants a seed from having attempted it, and then after Lesson 1 - when you move onto the box challenge - we actually start addressing it (although there's still plenty of mistakes that you're going to make there as well, as you gradually work through the challenge).


2022-04-21 17:25

Thank you for the reply, guess Ill move on to the 250 box challenge and try to improve my boxes through that


2022-04-21 19:57

I am also trying to improve my box rotation skills the last few days. So I did some research, which might help you as well.

Here is a great youtube video, which shows how the vanishing points change when you rotate a box (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkp1xfWJ9n4)

Also what really helps is looking at some cube (box) in real life and turning it (You can build one yourself with paper, if you have no box available\^\^). And then try to draw the box in different rotations while using the real box as reference.

And some other thing I realized today: When you rotate a box the vanishing points are changing (at least two vanishing points are changing and most of the time all three). This is in contrast to when you only move a box, then the vanishing points stay the same!

I did a picture today to help me see the differences, maybe it helps your understanding, too:

Moving a box vs rotating a box


2022-04-21 21:25

Great comment.

Don't disregard observational drawing skills. Knowledge is great and enhances our observational drawing. But it also works the other way, observational drawing practice helps use and understand our knowledge based drawing.

My eye and head drawing tool.



2022-04-21 21:37

Good idea, now I want to make such a tool, too. :-)


2022-04-21 21:40

I really struggled with the loomis head till made it


2022-04-21 21:41

Thanks for the link, ill check it out. I tried looking up an interactive tool where i could rotate a cube but i still couldnt get it to look right so i might make one like you said.


2022-04-21 21:14

Lol I'm in this boat. I determined there must be a mathematical equation for this, jumped into the rabbit hole, and have yet to resurface with an answer.

Plus side, relearning geometry is cool.


2022-04-22 07:42

Try to think that your drawing all the lines that make up a box rather than a box as a whole. Also find/buy a cube and rotate it in real life and pay attention to how the faces and angles change.


2022-04-22 07:51

Use a reference. Take a cube (like, any sort of cube, Rubik's cube or whatever). Hold it before yourself at an angle, look at it and study how its edges are positioned in space. Close one eye to make it easier. Draw a cube in the same position on paper. Then rotate your reference slightly and observe how your perceived lengths of the edges have changed. Which edge do you see more of, which less, how did the shape of the sides have shifted.

With one eye closed, you'll perceive the cube without depth - just like you would see on a picture. So study the "picture" in your hand and replicate the rotation on paper. For me using reference has been a huge help to figure out how to shift the lines I make in order to rotate the box the way I want to. Once the logic will settle in your mind, it will be easier to make without reference.


2022-04-26 18:22

i was like you didint know how to rotate a box, move it or understand wtf iw as doing, but this is where you must learn some perspective, get a grasp of it watch other videos on how to draw a box in perspective and simple how to draw in perspectie, u might not understand everything at first. thats good now you have the information in your brain, when you must come back to the topic trust me if you been drawing boxes and practing trying to understand it on your own when you come back to these videos when you feel like you got alil better grasp of it, you ll see you now have a better understanding and the lightbul moment might hit you then or even earlier while u practice.

when drawing a box in perspective you have vanishing points on a horizion line (eye line) , in 2 point perspective you have 2 points on that line. one going the left side and another on the right, if u put it to far itll be distroted.. wich i think what your getting confused on. when you draw a vertical line, on each ends of that vertical line (top and bottom) you must draw from it to the vanishing point 1 and vanishing point 2. , going in both directions Vp1 and Vp2

now you can put a new vertical line down inbeteween the new lines you just drew to the VPs on each end depending how big or small you want the box.

sounds confusing in writing but u have to continue watching other videos on how to draw a box, and also do pages of boxes to understand it.


2022-04-26 18:27


here is my art playlist on youtube ive gatherd videos since starting my journey last year in march ,bout 800 + videos in there , if you scroll down a few youll star tto see perspective videos, take a look

the latest videos are what im currently brushing up on, thew older videos are when i just started so the things your haveing problems with will be there :)


2022-04-26 18:29

Here to get you started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jmIXmZVuKI&list=PLTjrpwaYBTeVRp9sJ31WFrzVTL8p6STXg&index=172 id start w this video and follow the other parts, this guy is golden, and took my understanding of it to anothr lvl i can say when iw as haveing trouble.


2022-04-27 01:58

thankyou for all the resources!