Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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PomoArtist in the post "What do you guys do when you fuck up?"

2023-06-11 02:05

Just gotta try and work with it, man. I'm in the 250 box challenge right now and I'll make some dumb mistake and the interior line of some axis will be pointing in the exact wrong direction and I didn't notice until right after I finished the box and it's super obvious -- but that's okay. It's part of the process.

Like someone else said, this course is based on exercises. A trap I fell into my first couple tries was trying to make pretty and presentable pages. But there's a reason we draw in pen, and that's to be locked in with every bump in the road in the process of drawing, and to show the naked truth of how good/bad we are currently.

I have a mantra I try and remember when I make a mistake in my art: "That's why we're learning". Good luck on your art journey!