Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

What do you guys do when you fuck up?


2023-06-10 18:54


Do you guys just start afresh or continue with your fuck up and just ignoring it?

While construction, I regularly commit mistakes and then just dump that construction and start a new one, am I doing this right?


2023-06-10 20:32

You should continue regardless of your mistakes. Remember that what we're doing here are exercises - we're not performing, we're not pursuing a perfect end result to show off. The end result doesn't really matter, it's the process of doing the exercise, and how it forces our brains to solve those spatial problems.

If we get used to just starting over when we make mistakes, we actually make it less likely that we're going to learn from those mistakes. If we just start over, it's like the mistake never happened. If you're forced to roll with it and adapt around it, you're forced to consider and reflect upon the mistake, which makes it a little less likely that you'll do it again.

So- don't start over, and don't attempt to correct your mistakes. Adapt around them, and make a point of considering why the mistake happened, and how you might avoid it in the future (usually by giving yourself more time to do that task, so you can take more care in its execution).


2023-06-10 20:59

Thanks, will keep that in mind. Also, great work.


2023-06-10 23:34

It depends if there's a fundamental mistake in something I usually just start a new, if it's something minor I just continue


2023-06-11 02:05

Just gotta try and work with it, man. I'm in the 250 box challenge right now and I'll make some dumb mistake and the interior line of some axis will be pointing in the exact wrong direction and I didn't notice until right after I finished the box and it's super obvious -- but that's okay. It's part of the process.

Like someone else said, this course is based on exercises. A trap I fell into my first couple tries was trying to make pretty and presentable pages. But there's a reason we draw in pen, and that's to be locked in with every bump in the road in the process of drawing, and to show the naked truth of how good/bad we are currently.

I have a mantra I try and remember when I make a mistake in my art: "That's why we're learning". Good luck on your art journey!


2023-06-12 03:43

It depends how I fuck up and why I fuck up and if I fuck up with a medium that can't be unfucked. If I just can't process what I'm supposed to be doing (and usually it's a mental health reason why this is the case) then I step away and do something that doesn't involve critical thinking as much


2023-06-13 16:21

Computer line art? I redo that line. Pencil with a bad eraser? I shade over it or turn it into a piece of the line. Already finished most of the art that I can't change it? Well now I have to make a happy accident. Who knows? Maybe an accident is better than what you were originally planning.