Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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pixiesgreene in the post "Here's some exemplary work that I've seen over the past four months"

2017-01-17 19:02

Thank-you! Can't wait to try the challenge.

pixiesgreene in the post "/r/ArtFundamentals and Drawabox.com: A New Beginning. Read this if you're new to this subreddit."

2017-01-17 19:01

Certainly the intention was there to teach us perspective drawing! But yeah, a few different teachers and a range of different styles and delivery methods.

pixiesgreene in the post "/r/ArtFundamentals and Drawabox.com: A New Beginning. Read this if you're new to this subreddit."

2017-01-17 05:00

By the way, I'm so grateful for the way your articulate your approach and lay this all out. I'm actually at art school, but studying production design for film & TV. So I've been taught by some people with a concept art approach - which is probably more useful in my field! But we've had other lessons in more of the fine art school approach - try to perfect shading with your pencil, try to see things are they really are, squint to try and see light/shade values, squint and use your pencil to try and measure things to estimate their size on the page, etc. I've been mudding along, extremely confused, not really improving in my drawing at all. Until I read your lesson I didn't really understand that there were different schools of thought with different applications. Just having permission to use pen, focus on line and perspective, and think ahead and plan out each line, I've grown more in confidence in a month than I did in two years of study. So thank you again so much!

pixiesgreene in the post "Here's some exemplary work that I've seen over the past four months"

2017-01-17 04:51

Thanks for your words about patience. I just attempted the rotated boxes exercise and found myself exactly the opposite, getting frustrated and impatient! I'm pretty happy with my first go but can see now it'll improve next time if I just take a breath, calm down and focus.