Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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onetwothreeapple in the post "Announcement: Important news for those seeking critiques for their homework submissions during the month of August"

2015-07-31 23:20

I was around on this sub pretty much ever since the day it was created, and only just got myself to start Lesson 1 (I have about half done). I was counting on August being the month where I get my act together and actually do these lessons regularly before school starts up again. I totally understand why you're temporarily limiting critiques (honestly, I feel that you're already way more than enough by constructing these lessons for us), but I can't help but feel disappointed. I only have myself to blame, of course; it's been almost a year of me thinking about these lessons but never getting around to them. Anyways, you can bet I'll definitely be up and active come September! I'll try to see if I can get my parents (I'm a kid) to let me become a patron (or maybe I'll do it myself haha).