Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Nuwisha55 in the post "Is it really alright to call Drawabox reddit "ArtFundamentals"?"

2023-02-08 15:34

I like talking? I typed 2-page screeds about how some fundamentals aren't the and-all, be-all of fundamentals?

I'm the based guy who can draw better than you, so get crackin'.

Nuwisha55 in the post "Is it really alright to call Drawabox reddit "ArtFundamentals"?"

2023-02-08 03:49

I don't even understand what your end game is here. Do you think you're gonna become a great artist or even a competent one by splitting hairs on what qualifies as fundamentals?

This Reddit vanishes. Poof. Are you a better artist?

I'm thinking no.

The rest of us are over here NOT smelling our own farts and instead are doing the fundamentals in some way.

Nuwisha55 in the post "Is it really alright to call Drawabox reddit "ArtFundamentals"?"

2023-02-08 01:43

Drawabox equals Fundamentals

Drawabox does equal fundamentals. I don't know why you're here, wasting hours of your time griping about it, when a real artist would be drawing something. You're not making yourself worse by drawing boxes.

You've got a lot of work to do to get good. Complaining that one source of fundamentals is All Fundamentals is a Sisyphian task that smacks of procrastination and fear. Go draw more boxes, or something that makes you happy.

You can either waste your life complaining about labels, or you can draw. Which one are you gonna do?

Nuwisha55 in the post "Is it really alright to call Drawabox reddit "ArtFundamentals"?"

2023-02-07 17:52

Kinda gatekeep-y. We're all trying to problem solve and get better. Any fundamentals in drawing is good fundamentals.

I don't think people get into drawing because they like drawing boxes. An experienced enough artist knows why it's important to draw boxes AND the things you love. I can draw horses like a motherfucker. I will throw down with anyone, anywhere, when it comes to a horse drawing competition. You want a good fucking horse? I will draw you one.

Do I then sneer at anyone who can't draw a horse? That they haven't done their fundamentals yet? Not if I want to talk to people in the art community at all, or those interested in drawing horses. As for me, I can't draw people, I can't draw cars. Still learning perspective but a lot better than I used to be. Learning how to draw a car will help me learn how to draw better horses.

Whatever you find that helps isn't bad, regardless of if it's frustrating. If it's frustrating, it probably means you're learning and getting better because that's how brains are wired.

Don't gatekeep about what art resource is allowed to be called what. We all mourn the death ConceptArt.org. But art has enough snobs without drawing chops trying to put other people down.

EDIT: You're frustrated by an exercise with 250 boxes? Tell me you need to draw more without telling me you need to draw more.