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NathanAardvark in the post "Nathan Aardvark - A lot of great (free) daily tips/tricks that you should all check out"

2016-01-18 22:31

Agreed about the buffet thing. Actually, I'd really love to put a book together at the end of the year, when I've produced all this material, and that would be a great title - Art Tutorial Buffet! :)

I'm in Eugene OR, so yeah, kind far. But hey, as I'm so new (new to America also) I'd love to bump into you at a convention or something. Are you likely to be gracing any this coming year?

NathanAardvark in the post "Nathan Aardvark - A lot of great (free) daily tips/tricks that you should all check out"

2016-01-18 22:20

haha! Me too...! But then i thought, if we're putting it out for free, we can hardly see each other as competition, haha! Maybe collaboration would be a more interesting route? ;) Anyway, I feel pretty small in this grand tutorial arena - I've only just started so I feel very green, on day 18 of daily tutorials. Plus, they are very random, I don't really have a well thought out direction. I guess I'm trying the more "daily inspiration" sort of thing. More for people who just want a quick daily fix. :) I will definitely go through your tutorials though, and steal borrow from you ;) Feel free to do the same to any of mine, if any of them seem new or fresh! :) :) Great to have met you, would love to meet in real life too. Are you in LA? I visit now and then, more likely to spend time in SF, though.

NathanAardvark in the post "Nathan Aardvark - A lot of great (free) daily tips/tricks that you should all check out"

2016-01-18 18:00

Irshad, thanks for the share buddy. I'll link to your Patreon in my post today, which should get at least 10k reach on facebook :)