Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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MrRaymau5 in the post "when you do the 250 box challenge what do you do to make sure that all lines converge correctly?"

2023-03-12 06:29

Honestly its just a matter of trying your best and keep moving forward. Im about halfway through and they dont converge the greatest, but theyre getting better as I go.

MrRaymau5 in the post "Should I draw textures from my arm?"

2023-03-10 18:54

Alright, just making sure. Thanks!

MrRaymau5 in the post "Should I draw textures from my arm?"

2023-03-10 02:43

What if, say there is a line that is too small to comfortably do from the shoulder?

Are we able to use our wrist for that line?