Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Should I draw textures from my arm?


2023-03-09 10:06


I have this engraved into my head: "For Drawabox, ALWAYS draw from your arm" (as opposed to drawing from wrist or elbow). For making bigger marks, it feels great.

Now I am starting with the texture analysis. It feels like for the really small marks in textures, it would be better to use the finer writing-like control of the wrist. Should I draw them from the arm anyway?


2023-03-09 18:37

What you have engraved into your head actually contradicts what the material says. Your question is answered here and the section below it about "the path of least resistance" is relevant as well.


2023-03-09 19:32

Thanks a lot!


2023-03-10 02:43

What if, say there is a line that is too small to comfortably do from the shoulder?

Are we able to use our wrist for that line?


2023-03-10 17:54

There are many strokes that won't be comfortable to do from the shoulder right now. That's not a reason not to use the shoulder though, as it's through use and practice that it becomes easier. As noted in the material, length is irrelevant - it's all about the nature of the mark being drawn, and what you need from it.

In texture it's normal to need a lot more tight precision, and stiffness of strokes is not really a problem, though generalizing isn't super useful. Focus on whether you need the stroke to flow smoothly or not. If you do, draw it from the shoulder.


2023-03-10 18:54

Alright, just making sure. Thanks!