Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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MrQwertyXoid in the post "A demo I did for a student about the importance of using simple forms when trying to convey solidity"

2016-11-12 20:36

Hey, sorry for late answer.

I haven't found the sketches I was talking about sadly.

I was referring to things like these(one, two, three(Clearly pen pressure is on, but same style)), though it does seem that there's pressure control, it's minor. The sketches I was talking about, had small round brush with no pressure that looked extremely nice and fluid. Damn, now I just gotta find these sketches they were amazing :(

MrQwertyXoid in the post "A demo I did for a student about the importance of using simple forms when trying to convey solidity"

2016-11-08 08:52

I actually like it a lot when sketches are made without pressure control, just a solid line. A lot of chinese artists do these sketches and make wonders with it. But I'm offtopic, very nice explanation!