Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Marslettuce in the post "Uncomfortable's Unsolicited Advice: There Are Always Dragons"

2017-04-23 17:50

This comic was fun to read, but the meaning of it was kind of hard to get. The moral you're going for is a good one. Sometimes we might bite off more than we can chew and we shouldn't be discouraged by that.

However, if you have to explain the moral of your story at the end, it isn't clear enough.

The main issue is the last panel. You say that he should have practiced for a few more years before attempting it, but then go on to say that we should be bold and go headlong into our drawings. It's kind of muddled.

That said, I love all the comics you've done so far and I'm looking forward to the next one.