Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Uncomfortable's Unsolicited Advice: There Are Always Dragons


2017-04-23 15:23



2017-04-23 17:50

This comic was fun to read, but the meaning of it was kind of hard to get. The moral you're going for is a good one. Sometimes we might bite off more than we can chew and we shouldn't be discouraged by that.

However, if you have to explain the moral of your story at the end, it isn't clear enough.

The main issue is the last panel. You say that he should have practiced for a few more years before attempting it, but then go on to say that we should be bold and go headlong into our drawings. It's kind of muddled.

That said, I love all the comics you've done so far and I'm looking forward to the next one.


2017-04-23 17:57

You're absolutely right. As I was working on it, I started to realize that the story was really veering towards building up the expectation that doing your best will always result in success, and that really wasn't the message I wanted to send. By then the only fix short of redoing a good chunk was to change the wording around and add that explanation at the end. Really not an ideal situation, but oh well.

Really, the more I think about it, the more the overall premise wasn't the best choice for this particular lesson. Still, I wanted to draw the little guy fighting a dragon :D


2017-04-23 22:39

I took the last panel to mean 'don't jump to lesson 15 before covering lesson 1' - but the main moral of 'don't quit before you try' is the important one.


2017-04-24 03:34

I take it as leading from the psychology of the dragon guarding the treasure. Basically hard work for great reward. Nice comic and I think uncomfortable presented it well though the end could have said a bit more that there are no shortcuts to the treasure as well as don't rush it :)

For more on the psychology search for Jordan Peterson dragon treasure on youtube


2017-04-23 21:39



2017-04-23 22:13

Haha, I appreciate the kind words. To be fair though, the content I make for drawabox, as well as the critiques I do, are largely for my benefit in one way or another. It helps keeps the patreon campaign going strong, and also maintains a steady rate of traffic to the website. Even back before drawabox, when I was making lessons and doing critiques on this subreddit with no patreon or ad revenue, I was consciously building the foundation for something of value though I wasn't sure what at the time.

I certainly do like helping people, and the thought that this free resource might help guide people into a meaningful career, or even an enjoyable hobby does inspire me to keep going, but it's really just the icing on the cake.


2017-04-24 04:41

Are your lessons licensed under creative commons?


2017-04-24 08:53

They are not. Any particular reason you're asking?


2017-04-23 23:47


Wasted opportunity, IMO. ;) That dragon seemed somewhat reasonable. Could've tried praising him(her) a bit and humbly ask if they could've posed for a bit to practice drawing them. :D


2017-04-24 00:38

Famous last words: "This dragon seems pretty reasonable."


2017-04-24 01:02

"It was worth it!" dies xD