Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Lunar_Reindeer in the post "Taking a picture of my homework vs scanning a picture of my homework"

2022-04-23 22:08

Sounds good! I'm glad I asked - I had just assumed scanned photos were better but did see a lot of people just taking pictures. I'll submit my homework in photography form when the time comes!

Lunar_Reindeer in the post "Warm ups before homework?"

2022-04-21 18:58

Wow! Hey Comfy, I appreciate you replying back so soon. I'm sure you get this a lot, but I really appreciate how much effort you and your team put into making this curriculum as accessible as possible to everyone. You've really phrased a lot of your lessons in a very digestible way, and some of your earlier lessons are almost therapeutic in the way you frame how to receive criticism. Thank you again.