Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Warm ups before homework?


2022-04-21 09:52



I've recently started my journey down Drawabox, and I have a quick question about the pool of warm-ups. I've just made it to the ellipse portion of Lesson 1, and I understand that my pool of warm-ups consists of Superimposed Lines, Ghosted Lines and Ghosted Planes.

So before I do the Ellipse homework, do I warm up with an exercise that I've done prior this early on? When I do recreational drawing I tend to warm up a little bit with the Superimposed Lines, which kind of helps me get into a 'mode'. I just read and watched the Ellipse portions of the lecture/material and have yet to tackle the homework portion, but before I did that I wanted to know if I should be warming up before the homework or just tackling them cold.


2022-04-21 16:47

I think your confusion is arising from a slight misunderstanding - your warmup pool is made up of exercises from the lessons you've completed. So during Lesson 1, you wouldn't have to worry about any warmups, not until it's actually completed (and ideally marked as complete with external critique).


2022-04-21 18:58

Wow! Hey Comfy, I appreciate you replying back so soon. I'm sure you get this a lot, but I really appreciate how much effort you and your team put into making this curriculum as accessible as possible to everyone. You've really phrased a lot of your lessons in a very digestible way, and some of your earlier lessons are almost therapeutic in the way you frame how to receive criticism. Thank you again.


2022-04-21 19:06

Thank you for the kind words!