Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Loktor in the post "Happy Birthday, /r/ArtFundamentals!"

2017-08-19 14:17


as others have pointed out too, this is a great place to learn art, i always struggled with other approaches but your way of teaching really is understandable and sets clear goals which altough not always easy really help to get better

Loktor in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-08-15 21:06

Big thx for the feedback :)

Yeah your right i relyed too much on chaos, i will try to focus on that part to really think more through it before placing the lines and to try to draw the textures without relying on scribbling :) Thx for pointing this out to me :)

I will give it another look :)

Great :D

Loktor in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2017-08-15 13:13

Hello Uncomfortable :)

I finally managed to complete the second exercise (after doing the cylinder challenge in between)

Took me some time to get the concepts of textures and seeing forms in 3D but in the end i learned a lot again :)

The most problems i had with the form intersection took quite some imagination to wrap my head around the intersection :D

Here are my exercises:


Thanks again for giving me feedback/tipps on where i should focus to improve :)

Loktor in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2017-06-27 05:22

Great then i think i understand it :) now i just need to put it into practice, really appreciate the quick feedback (even tho your really busy atm)

Loktor in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2017-06-26 20:07

Thank you for the feedback, your on point with what your saying :) after i thought about it i really did draw most of them thicker because i didn't match them perfectly sometimes probably because i didn't plan them good enough.

As for the Ellipses inside of planes i have a few question, as far as i understood the two criterias are that the minor axis of the ellipses results from the two center points of the ellipses and should point directly towards one vanishing point. (Like i drew in the image below for point 1. in red)

And the second point (Nr. 2 in red the drawing below) is that the ellipse should touch the points directly above each other according to the vanishing points? (e.q. for two point or three point perspective these wouldn't necessarily be straight lines like i drew below in one point perspective)?

Also one more thing i noticed was that i had a hard time to place the ellipses inside the Box, e.q. that the minor axis was aligned in a way that i was unable to place the ellipse fittingly and also touch the top/bottom correctly for example for 205 in my original submission, is this due to the fact that this area is not a square and instead a rectangle, e.q. for cylinders should the planes be squares in perspective? and then i should be able to align them correctly (Nr. 3 in the drawing below for an additional example)?

For my cylinders in boxes from 241-245 did i also make these mistakes that you mentioned there (besides 242?)?, for them i tried to match the minor axis with the vanishing points and to align the ellipses so that they hit the bottom and the top aligned with the approx. vanishing points, is there anything else i am missing?


Thx again for pointing out my mistakes it really helps me out and got me to invest more time to understand it even better :)

Loktor in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge"

2017-06-24 22:24

After doing most of the second lesson (up until intersections), i decided that i should also do the cylinder challenge to improve upon my ellipses :)

Was quite challenging at times but really helped again to get more confident with placing ellipses at the correct locations and with fitting degrees :D

One thing i noticed during the challenge is that i tend to draw to many rounds on my ellipses if they are not fitting, especially for the ones inside the boxes, i will try to limit that to two to three rounds in the future practices :)

So here it is: http://imgur.com/a/mtoPR

And thanks in advance again for giving me feedback :)

Loktor in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-05-08 21:22

Thank you for the feedback, really appreciate it :) Should i continue with Lesson 2 then? :) Or with the cylinder/texture challenge? or should they be done after lesson 2?

Loktor in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-05-07 00:52

Hello :)

I finally finished the 250 Boxes Challenge :) Was quite challenging at times but overall a really good exercise for myself :)
