Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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lokivii in the post "Lesson 3: Applying Construction to Plants (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-06-19 02:11

Phew good thing I checked. Well, take a load off my dude and have a good night. Thanks for all that you do.

lokivii in the post "Lesson 3: Applying Construction to Plants (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-06-19 02:02

Thank you very much for your critique, Im very happy to hear that Im moving forward. I had a moment during the last couple branches where I saw the 3D object and sort of sensed how to make my ellipses degree which is something Ive been struggling with.

When you say move onto lesson 5 do you mean I can skip lesson 4 about insects and arachnids and move onto animals? Just double checking so I dont skip a lesson by mistake.

lokivii in the post "Lesson 3: Applying Construction to Plants (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-06-18 23:12

Uncomfortable here is my Lesson 3 homework addition that you asked for. I took some time off because I felt a bit burnt out and I came back to it just a couple of weeks ago. Since then I have been trying to focus on my branches. I feel as if I'm still not getting the depth that I want out of them, but that is the only judgment I'll make on them.

Also, you mentioned you wanted all my drawings on 8.5x11" so I've done that. Since I put 4 mushrooms on a page last time I have given you 8 mushrooms on individual pages this time. Drawing bigger has definitely helped me feel more confident so thank you for that advice.


lokivii in the post "Lesson 3: Applying Construction to Plants (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-04-26 18:29

Hey Uncomfortable, I want to add that Im drawing on a large sized pad (I can provide a shot with a ruler to scale) I think its just shy of printer paper size but Ill follow your advice of using loose paper.

I also just acquired a drafting table that Ill be using as my drawing surface instead of a flat table. Thank you for the critique. I will reflect on your thoughts about my self exam. I realized (reading your critique) I shouldnt critique myself so much when I have someone with more experience doing that in order to help me.

lokivii in the post "Lesson 3: Applying Construction to Plants (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-04-26 01:12

Here is my lesson 3 submission: https://imgur.com/a/wuJRVTP

I started working on around the first of March, but then I focused on the 250 cylinders so I went back and redid my branches, but I left my leaves alone. I struggled the most with the leaves. I couldn't get them to feel solid on just construction and contour alone. My Daisy submission is the worst for this as the whole piece feels "weird". I also struggled with not using detail. I've tried re-reading your leaves section but I can't figure out a way to define how the leaves bounding curves should be defined. I always want to go big swoop at the beginning with a taper at the end for both sides (like my elephant ears).

I realized both in the past and in the present that I use detail as a crutch. I'm working on breaking that now, but I'm still struggling with not using it, because otherwise, my drawings feel very 2D. I'm not sure if I'm ready to move on to lesson 4 yet, but I really need your feedback to understand what I'm missing. I think my biggest issue is that my lines are too stiff and I'm still not relaxing my stroke. To fix this I've been practicing lesson 1's point to point exercise. I've also been following your advice and practicing my ellipses, and I think they are more controlled and less wobbly now.

lokivii in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-04-11 00:45

Thank you for answering my questions.

lokivii in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-04-10 23:43

Uncomfortable, thank you for the review. Your correct that I still hesitate and do not commit to my ellipses. I find that I get really frustrated easily here and my instinct is to lock my elbow onto the table I'm drawing on. Stopping myself from doing this seems to help, but it is still a struggle. I did notice some similarities between this review and the last two, in that it seems like I'm just not ghosting enough. I suspect that I will gain an understanding for when to strike and how long to ghost, but is 4-5 ghosts to little?

Understanding the vanishing points is something I just can't wrap my head around and it seems like every time I get a handle on it I lose it. During the last couple of pages, I started drawing my boxes top down, meaning I would do the first square and then do the connecting bottom square. This goes against your advice of focusing only on one VP's lines and allowing the rest of the box to sort of draw itself. (paraphrasing here) I'll go back to lesson 2 and look at that critique to see if I can understand further.

Lastly, I felt like I was repeating the same box just over and over. Did you notice this too during the review? What can I do to break myself out of that box's comfort zone?

lokivii in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-04-10 22:56

My tier has now been updated.

lokivii in the post "250 Cylinder Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-04-10 20:45

Here are my 250 cylinders! That was way harder than the boxes and I really struggled with the self-checking.


lokivii in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2019-02-17 18:21

Thank you for the feedback and for taking the time to demonstrate areas where I need work. I'll take the time over the next two weeks to practice drawing boxes and consider your critiques. I'll resubmit my lesson 2 on the 3rd then as per your instructions.

lokivii in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2019-02-17 14:50

Oh and here is a link to my original submission if you wanted to compare the two: https://imgur.com/a/niMuNZQ

lokivii in the post "Lesson 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2019-02-17 14:40

Lesson 2 Homework submission: https://imgur.com/a/1XmWGD0

I had a really hard time with the textures. My wife recognized that I wasn't bending the texture to match the form, and I also had trouble understanding when I should fade the texture in the middle and when I should cover the whole form.

lokivii in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2019-02-17 14:37

Hello /u/uncomfortable, Here is my resubmission for the 250 box challenge where you instructed me to draw 100 new boxes. I want to say thanks for the freebie critique on my last submission of this challenge. The critique notes you gave really helped me to understand what I should be looking for when drawing my boxes, and going back and drawing 100 more was definitely the right thing to do.
