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llyev in the post "A few problems I see frequently from students that get in the way of really selling the illusion that our drawings exist in three dimensional space, rather than being limited to the 2D space of the page"

2017-05-28 17:15

There is this video from Scott Robertson that goes even more in depth about line weight that complements this advice, for those who haven't seen it yet.

llyev in the post "Lesson 4: Drawing Insects and Arachnids"

2017-05-03 19:01

My assignment from Lesson 4. Sorry for the very long delay between this and lesson 3.


I have some questions regarding this lesson:

I've found very difficult sometimes to find the centerline on some photos. The result was some kind of tilted look to something supposed to look symmetrical. Is this normal?

I've also found quite difficult to think in terms of those "sausages", instead of what I've used until now (gestual line, using the line as a minor axis to elipses, construction between those). I thought I couldn't see those basic constructions unless drawing them on paper. Should I practice this "step jumping" or is it ok to draw more construction lines besides the "sausage" way of thinking you taught? (Sorry if I can't be more clear than this, hope it doesn't look confusing)

What are your thoughts on suggested lines? (like, instead of drawing a continuous straight black line, drawing a few lines that suggests one continuous line) I thought it was going to be a good idea to show depth.

llyev in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2017-04-05 04:17

Thanks! Sometimes it's really subtle to plan how I'll block-in the entire thing on the paper, but I'll keep the "chop" advice in mind from now on, just in case. Also, I'm really glad and satisfied that the time spent on the basics is paying off now! I'll be moving to the (ugh..) insects and arachnids lesson.

llyev in the post "Lesson 3: Drawing Plants"

2017-04-03 19:02

My lesson 3 botanic assignment

I've struggled a bit at the beginning with the size consistency of the stems, the carnivore plants and the dandelion flower (specially because it has SOOO many details and I picked it up for construction. I tried to keep some lines implied so they didn't cover my construction lines). Also I think I could have made better use of elipses degrees. There's no much variation of angles there. :(

But as far as it was going, it became more clear, and I really enjoyed myself and had a lot of fun doing those!

llyev in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2017-02-24 01:39

Here is my submission for the 250 box challenge: http://imgur.com/a/zcrck

Honestly, there was a point when I was just like "I can't imagine any angle anymore". So I tried grabbing cardboard boxes here and rotating and trying to match what I saw. I struggle a bit with a bad quality pen (Specially in the last one. It failed a lot, even I was almost holding it at a 90ยบ degree angle), but now I have a Staedler I've tested out for next lessons and it's working great. Also, it helped me realize how impatient I was being while doing it with the ghosting. I'll probably go back meditating a little bit hahah

I hope the other explorations I did (compound shapes and multiplying boxes) wasn't a big deal too, because I thought it would be a good challenge.

In simple words, it helped know myself a lot, as my understanding of converging lines and distortions, so it was really valuable. I'll try to search for the implied vanishing points with the red pen as you told brownsummer to do too.