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liam_01 in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2016-07-20 01:28


I'll continue practising boxes to get a better hold of the ghosting method. I do need to start thinking every line through; though as soon as I start start something, I tend to rush through it too impulsively, so I'll work on that as well. I assume that the next lesson, Lesson 2: organic forms, is up next?

liam_01 in the post "250 Box Challenge"

2016-07-19 04:53

It's taken a while, though I finally had time to upload these. 250 Box Challenge

Sorry that the file order is entirely messed up...

Overall, my line work is still quite crappy, though I think definitely understand how the box is constructed and how each angle relates to each other as well as the idea of near and far planes. I definitely need to continue practising these, especially my line skills as I still find that adjusting my grip of the pen or arm position has dramatic effects on my line quality and am only starting to figure out what works and what doesn't.