Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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KeepGoing777 in the post "Question about painting"

2023-05-13 02:54

As it's already been said: Painting is drawing with paint. Yes, Drawabox will definitely help a lot.

KeepGoing777 in the post "Created a 3D version of the rotated boxes exercise in blender"

2022-02-22 14:52

KeepGoing777 in the post "Created a 3D version of the rotated boxes exercise in blender"

2022-02-22 00:49

What of it?

KeepGoing777 in the post "Created a 3D version of the rotated boxes exercise in blender"

2022-02-21 16:25

Oh okay lol. I was thinking these were the most perfect cubes ever on the drawabox course. lol! Mine took so much work, I've actually repeated that exercise just for the heck of it, with serious commitment, and I'll probably create more stuff in the future inspired in this exercise. Keep going, good luck on everything!

KeepGoing777 in the post "Created a 3D version of the rotated boxes exercise in blender"

2022-02-20 23:32

Is the first drawing actually hand-drawn using the ghosting method? Holy fuck if that's the case those are some perfect cubes dude.