Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Question about painting


2023-05-12 14:45


Hey,since I've been a kid I've always wanted to draw,paint to express my creativity.I want to start from the core and I mainly want to paint oil,would drawabox help me achieve my goal better?


2023-05-12 17:35

Painting, like most things, benefits from the development of multiple skills. There's all the things that are specific to painting itself - the use of the medium, that is, and understanding all of the little nuances of how to mix paints, how to use different mediums, techniques like glazing, the concept of fat over lean, and so forth - but painting as a whole is still going to share a lot of skills with every other kind of representational visual art.

What Drawabox focuses on primarily, the development of students' spatial reasoning skills, is all about helping them to understand how the marks they make on a flat page or canvas relates to the nature of the 3D forms being depicted, and how the nature of those marks would change based on how we turn the forms in 3D space, and how we combine them with others to create more complex objects. That is entirely relevant to painting.

Long story short - yes, the skills we focus on here are as valuable to a painter as they are to someone drawing with graphite, or someone illustrating with digital tools. Drawabox does not however teach anything specific to paint (or even colour), so those are skills you'd pursue separately, combining them with what you learn here, when working on your own paintings.


2023-05-12 17:46

I understood very clearly,what you mean basically is,drawabox is the fundamental to any art style that involves drawing,painting.Thank you so much!


2023-05-12 19:20

If you can, take a class.

It is perfectly reasonable to look at books and YouTube videos when you are learning. Honestly, you'll learn just as much, if not more, about technique and materials through practice and watching videos, as you will in a class.

BUT! there is no replacement for being able to communicate with a good teacher as you work on a piece, and to be able to interact with other students as you learn, and to be able to learn to (helpfully) critique as well as accept constructive (and unconstructive) criticism in a classroom setting. As with any subject, constant feedback is essential if you really want to master something. That said, if you just want to do it as a fun hobby, then the best advice is to simply grab some materials and try things out.


2023-05-13 02:54

As it's already been said: Painting is drawing with paint. Yes, Drawabox will definitely help a lot.