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isleyso in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2014-11-29 22:10

Thanks for the critique.

Those are actually storks not herons (not that it matters :) ). I will definitely practice a lot more... Love drawing animals :D

isleyso in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2014-11-29 19:57

Finally done with the homework...

It took me by surprise that I really started enjoying the exercise starting with the cats (I tossed a few of the previous pages)... It helped me relaxed quite a bit and I think it shows in a couple of my later drawings.

I love the way the biggest French bulldog turned out... I could draw them for ages :D

isleyso in the post "Announcement: What would you want out of a dedicated ArtFundamentals website?"

2014-11-28 07:46

Congratulations on the job! :)

As you already have a large reddit fan base it wouldn't be a bad idea to use reddits OAuth2 services. That way we can all login with our existing reddit accounts...

isleyso in the post "LESSON 4: Drawing Insects, Arachnids and Other Creepy Crawlies"

2014-11-01 20:04

Finished with the homework.

I'm starting to think I'm getting over my head with these lessons... But I've learnt a ton so I guess I'll try to keep up...

isleyso in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2014-10-17 06:45

Umm yeah, sorry for that... my cell phone rotated them :P

I'll make sure it doesn't happen in the future :)

The problem with overdetailing comes from the fact that I usually screw something up really bad and then I have to compensate for it... But it's getting better, I'm working on my linework quite often (thats why this hw took me so long) and it's gradually improving. I still need a LOT of practice to get to a decent level.

Anyways thanks for your swift reply!

isleyso in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2014-10-17 06:15

Done with this homework.

I finally bought some decent pens (last page only), took me a while to find something nice in this god forsaken place :D

I think i'm starting to like drawing with pens :) If I could only control my values a little better...

isleyso in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2014-09-24 06:19

Thanks for the encouragement!

Yeah, I have a hard time adjusting to the new hand position. It was a real pain in the beginning but I started seeing results in the last couple of days. I've been practicing stuff from Lesson 1 every day (shortened version). I think I'll continue with my practice and come back to this challange in a couple of weeks.

As an added bonus I also started drawing more lightly. I was applying way too much pressure on the pen/pencil in the past.

Thanks again :)

isleyso in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2014-09-23 06:31

Finished with the challange: http://imgur.com/a/8CGZ1#0

I decided not to worry about line weight for now and focus on correctness. I think I'll return to this challange after I get more comfortable with the felt tip. I have these pens and I have trouble varying my lines (weight).

I still have massive problems with drawing verticals but I'm constantly working on it, hopefuly getting a little better each day. Keeping your hand of the paper is quite a challange itself :)

I also need to get some decent supplies as I emptied two pens already (out of black so I went with blue) :)