Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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I_Am_Robotic in the post "Drawabox lesson 2, 1st homework: feedback pls!"

2022-02-11 20:06

Ok. Not really a discord guy but Ill try that. Thx.

I_Am_Robotic in the post "Drawabox lesson 2, 1st homework: feedback pls!"

2022-02-11 17:34

So you took my post down?

Look, Im very grateful for all the great content and structure youve put out there for free, and for all the time youve put into this for years. But youre being way too strict.

Im just some middle aged guy with busy job and kids who wants to improve. I have limited time to do this. What I posted took me 5 days. I wont be done with lesson 2 for probably a month. What is the wisdom of me not getting any feedback throughout that entire time? And what does it bother you if someone else provides some feedback? Heck, in the time it took you to remove my post and send a note you could have probably given me something positive to think about.