Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Drawabox lesson 2, 1st homework: feedback pls!


2022-02-11 14:55



2022-02-11 17:08

This subreddit doesn't allow single exercises or partial work, as explained here. You can get feedback on individual exercises on the discord chat server though, and the folks there would be happy to help you out. For the subreddit, we're pushing students to post complete lesson work.


2022-02-11 17:34

So you took my post down?

Look, Im very grateful for all the great content and structure youve put out there for free, and for all the time youve put into this for years. But youre being way too strict.

Im just some middle aged guy with busy job and kids who wants to improve. I have limited time to do this. What I posted took me 5 days. I wont be done with lesson 2 for probably a month. What is the wisdom of me not getting any feedback throughout that entire time? And what does it bother you if someone else provides some feedback? Heck, in the time it took you to remove my post and send a note you could have probably given me something positive to think about.


2022-02-11 19:47

You're not being barred from receiving feedback on partial work - my initial message clearly stated where you can receive that feedback. Our Discord server literally has thousands of students who are online at any given time, and they are more than happy to help.

All we're doing is traffic control, based on experience. Previously when students were able to submit partial work here, the likelihood of posts getting feedback was very, very low. It's still not great, but it has significantly improved when we implemented this restriction.

I understand that it is never a pleasant experience to post your work (especially work you've put time into), and have it removed before it sees the light of day, but you are only seeing it from a very limited viewpoint that doesn't take into consideration why such rules exist, and whether or not they are for the greater good in the long run. But that is not your fault - it is a normal response to the frustration of having a post removed.


2022-02-11 20:06

Ok. Not really a discord guy but Ill try that. Thx.