Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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HaughtyPandaLove in the post "John Park starts an affordable online foundational art program, "Foundation Group""

2015-07-22 07:55


Just popped in here today, through learnart as im looking to get more serious with my doodles. And just read through this post and some comments. Ive also been an avid listener of different graphic design podcasts, in which one of them, rhe caster offered a possibility for portfolio reviews at a reasonable price.

And as a suggestion to you, wanting to grow this into a viable business, this is a route Ive seen more and more of. Build up a good base of free available content and charge for premium non-essential content. As this community grows, and the users skill grow with it, i would bet a fair amount of money on that alot of the users would pay anywhere from 20-300 usd for a set amount of private time, e.g 30mins a day over 2 weeks or a bulk of time over a day. Or let the basics be free, then add advanced lessions for a small subscribtion fee. The possibilities are endless, as you said, if your goinf to build a new site with functionality for critique and peogress tracking, you are right to think its worth a compensation in some form.

Anyways, im rambling, gonna try some lessons and check out the donation thingamajig!

Last words: its awesome to contribute to the world and help people, but its also allowed to make a living doing it!

Edit: oops, just saw this post was old. Nvm!