Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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GoldSeafarer in the post "Is it really alright to call Drawabox reddit "ArtFundamentals"?"

2023-02-14 14:10


GoldSeafarer in the post "Is it really alright to call Drawabox reddit "ArtFundamentals"?"

2023-02-06 22:48

I somewhat agree with you, OP. I respect the course, and Uncomfortable as a great artist. However, I've been stuck in this very loop that you mention. Throughout the course, I slowly lost motivation, and this eventually seeped into my artistic feelings, which made me burn out from art itself for some months.

I am still thinking of whether or not I shall return to complete the course, and this is proof that the cycle you mention is definitely very real, despite what some people in this comment section are claiming/denying.

Nonetheless, I'm happy for all the people who liked this course and found wisdom and technique from it. But it is a little discouraging that I myself sometimes think that Drawabox might be the fastest and most efficient path to mastering the fundamentals, even though I'd prefer some different learning system.

Again, my biggest respects to Uncomfortable and all who finished the course, y'all are kings, and maybe I will try again.