Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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FrittataHubris in the post "Does the "work" half of the 50% rule also include non drawing activities?"

2023-05-02 19:03

I read the other one to do with money that I love and regret not knowing about when I was younger.

Aftwr paying off regular monthly payments and Bill's, spend/save 50% of your money assuming you'll live another 50 years, and spend the other 50% assuming you only have a year left to live.

Edit: found the original comment


there was a quote which have inspired me to live life by it in near future. It goes: Spend half of your money as if youll live for the next 50 years, and spend the other half as if youll only live for the next 50 days. Ill live by that once I get my emergency fund ready (also I think Ill apply that to the money I have after all the bills)