Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Does the "work" half of the 50% rule also include non drawing activities?


2023-05-02 16:44


Like reading lessons, trying to understand theories,...


2023-05-02 17:16

At its core, the 50% rule is about being mindful of how much of your time you're committing to activities whose purpose are geared towards improving your skills (through exercises, lessons, studies, courses, tutorials, etc.) and ensuring that you are not neglecting drawing for its own sake, exploring the things you wish to be able to draw well, and generally acting without the hesitation that comes from worrying about how it'll turn out, and whether or not you're "wasting your time" - the latter being something the majority of students struggle with and actively avoid, feeling that the more time they can commit to studying, the better.

In terms of specifically what falls into which category, it matters less. The spirit of the rule is to be aware of the need to do both, and the importance of drawing for its own sake. You don't need to strictly time yourself, you can decide for yourself whether time spent reading/watching videos counts towards "work".

What matters is that you regularly push yourself to draw for the hell of it, to set aside worries of wasting time or embarrassing yourself - because these are the things you will likely not want to do, and will therefore need to force yourself to (at least for a while).


2023-05-02 19:03

I read the other one to do with money that I love and regret not knowing about when I was younger.

Aftwr paying off regular monthly payments and Bill's, spend/save 50% of your money assuming you'll live another 50 years, and spend the other 50% assuming you only have a year left to live.

Edit: found the original comment


there was a quote which have inspired me to live life by it in near future. It goes: Spend half of your money as if youll live for the next 50 years, and spend the other half as if youll only live for the next 50 days. Ill live by that once I get my emergency fund ready (also I think Ill apply that to the money I have after all the bills)


2023-05-03 05:44

So i can do drawabox along with gesture drawing?