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dth0807 in the post "Lesson 7: The Head and Face from the Front"

2015-02-19 06:56


I know you probably want me to do more than just that but I want to know if I'm on the right track.

dth0807 in the post "Announcement: Rewriting Lessons"

2015-02-16 05:39

its awesome to see your still putting so much work into this subreddit. I'm gonna get those people drawing lessons done I tell ya.

dth0807 in the post "Lesson 7: The Head and Face from the Front"

2015-01-20 00:44


I start every drawing with the constructions, like the circle and then bring down a unit, find the middle for eyeline etc. but as I do that part lightly so it sort of just goes away as the drawing progresses. I could make sure the construction marks are heavier/clearer for future ones if that's what you'd prefer.

dth0807 in the post "Lesson 7: The Head and Face from the Front"

2015-01-18 23:32


blargh I hate the front view it's so awkward. Features gave me a lot of trouble.

dth0807 in the post "Lesson 7: The Head and Face from the Front"

2015-01-08 15:04

From head to chin 1/2 way is the middle of the eyes. From there I eyeball the location of the brow-line based on the subject. Next, bottom of nose is 1/2 from brow to chin and bottom of lower lip is 1/2 from bottom of nose to chin. I use the same units that you use for the width and height of the head, but I find that I don't always use the entire width, sometimes the ears will fit within the box. Also hair line is the same distance from the brow to the bottom of the nose, so I just go one unit of that up from the brow to find the hair line.

dth0807 in the post "Lesson 7: The Head and Face from the Front"

2015-01-08 08:50


sorry I just wanted to make sure that I did the constructions correctly, or if I need to take them further and mark the planes of the face. also I use a slightly different proportion if that's ok.

Also for the 8 pages of full face studies do you want the blank expression or are emotions ok. sorry for the questions.

dth0807 in the post "LESSON 6: Hard Surface Objects"

2014-12-30 10:48


I feel like I'm getting worse. I guess I just need to do it more.

dth0807 in the post "LESSON 6: Hard Surface Objects"

2014-12-30 02:23


Damn ellipses are tough, even when you warm up doing a bunch of them it's still easy to mess up. Combining the cylinders with the boxes is also tricky when you start putting them at angles.

Also thank you for taking the time to help me with these problems.

dth0807 in the post "LESSON 6: Hard Surface Objects"

2014-12-29 06:55


For the first one I ignored line weight. I don't know why I have such trouble drawing straight lines, I did the warm ups like you said. I feel like it's hard because my hand covers where the line is supposed to be going so even when I ghost it I still mess up. Also when I turn the page to draw the straight line I get confused and sometimes forget which direction the line is supposed to go.

dth0807 in the post "LESSON 6: Hard Surface Objects"

2014-12-29 01:04


I'm not sure if I completely understood what you were asking for but I hope this is at least close to it.

dth0807 in the post "LESSON 6: Hard Surface Objects"

2014-12-28 05:40


Thank you for the exercises. Damn you didn't pull no punches with this one, so much to pay attention to when drawing this kind of stuff. I tried to keep them as simple as possible but even still, lots of proportion issues and perspective issues.

dth0807 in the post "Who Are You? Introduce Yourselves!"

2014-12-24 04:39

I'm 22. I started drawing back in march. Never really did it before then but I decided to start because I guess it's something I always wanted to try. I took a figure drawing class recently, this was my progress starting bottom left going counter-clockwise. http://i.imgur.com/92PftC8.jpg

I don't really know what my aspirations are, I just want to improve at the moment. I have never done a finished piece. I can't remember how I found out about this subreddit, maybe from looking at a list of related subreddits on another one.

dth0807 in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2014-12-22 07:05


Thank you for the critique. I hope I was able to at least capture a semblance of what you asked for.

dth0807 in the post "LESSON 5: Drawing Animals"

2014-12-16 05:16


Thank you for the exercise. These are bad but I figured I should upload it so I can get a better idea on what to do. I alternated between doing looser sketches and more detailed sketches to try to better understand the subject, but it just caused me to overlook a lot of errors I was making. I also decided to try messing around and try different ways to sketch or capture the whole form, but in the process I repeat a lot of mistakes. sorry.

dth0807 in the post "LESSON 4: Drawing Insects, Arachnids and Other Creepy Crawlies"

2014-12-14 22:45


Thank you for the exercise. Had a lot of trouble with this one.

dth0807 in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2014-12-11 07:01


Started with warms ups like you said. I tried to make the lines as confident as I could.

Also, I can edit some of the settings on my printer when it's saving the image, let me know if the way I have it set up now is ok.

Thank you for all the time and critique you have given me.

dth0807 in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2014-12-10 04:03


One of my problems was a lot of the subjects I would pick was usually just a close up of a flower and I wasn't sure how to simplify it when there were petals, do I just draw a circle shape encompassing all of them, or do I try to rough in the general shape of the petal.

I think I also went a little bit overboard with the contour lines on a couple of them but I wasn't sure how to communicate the simplified form without them.

dth0807 in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2014-12-10 01:42


Thank you for the response. I guess I'm a little confused on the lay-ins, mainly on how far we are supposed to take it and how simplified we are supposed to make it. Hopefully I understand it a little clearer.

dth0807 in the post "LESSON 3: Drawing Plants"

2014-12-09 22:49


had a lot of trouble with this.

dth0807 in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2014-12-04 05:04


Thank you for the critique. I don't know why my lines are still wobbly even after I warm up, I guess I just need more mileage. after I draw the picture then I go over the whole picture adding weight to the lines where I think it needs it. If you don't think this is a good process let me know or if you think I should do it again let me know.

dth0807 in the post "LESSON 2: Organic Forms, Contour Lines, Dissections and Form Intersections"

2014-12-02 01:18


Thank you for these exercises. I'm not very creative so I had a hard time with dissections. If you think I should do it again let me know.

When the lines are not that long, should I still use my shoulder? I feel like when I need to make precise marks that are a short distance that it's ok to use my wrist.

dth0807 in the post "OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: 250 Boxes"

2014-11-29 20:36


thank you for this challenge. this is one of those things that I kept telling myself that I should do someday, but this gave me proper motivation to sit down and do it, and given all the problems that I had with this maybe I should do it again. Maybe do a couple pages actually identifying the HL and VPs and using a straight edge to make sure I understand the correct orientation of the boxes no matter what the perspective is.

sorry if there wasn't enough variety in the boxes. if you want me to do it again just let me know.