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drawingNT in the post "Lesson 5: Drawing Animals (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-09-08 01:37

Here is my lesson 5 homework:


Overall throughout the lesson I was pleasantly surprised that things started to become more comfortable and come together more. I struggled a lot with heads/muzzles and fur. Getting the eyes placed correctly and getting a good eyelid curve was a struggle. The muzzle was also a point of pain. I found my muzzles to be crooked or too large/small very often.

I began this lesson almost afraid to draw animals but now I am actually enjoying the time I spend drawing them a lot. I will probably be working a lot on drawing animals (as well as insects and plants) in the next couple of weeks for fun as I've been working on the cylinder challenge slowly for awhile now and I'm almost done with it.

On another note I did this entire lesson on one draw a box pen. I also did about 40 boxes with cylinders with the pen for the cylinder challenge. Overall honestly the pens are pretty great. My first pen is only now beginning to show signs of slowing down, but I think I can still get another couple dozen boxes/cylinders out of it. I seem to be getting a lot more mileage out of these then the microns I was using so I'm happy. The only complaint I have so far is minor. The paint on the outside of the pens are starting to come off really easily and get everywhere. It seems like if you get a small scratch in the paint the area around the scratch comes of very easily.

Thanks for taking the time to critique!

drawingNT in the post "Lesson 4: Applying Construction to Insects and Arachnids (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-08-13 23:22

Heres my lesson 4 submission:


I had a lot of fun drawing these insects and often found time slipping away from me while drawing them!

I did come across one issue that I wasn't completely sure how to handle yet. While drawing my cicada I had initially laid in my head form way too far out from the thorax making the head almost detached from the body. I handled this by imagining the thorax form as a bit larger than it was drawn and built the shell around the imaginary form. In hindsight though I don't think this was the right way to solve the problem. Thinking about it now I would have tried to lay in more organic forms on the thorax mass until the head actually fit on the thorax, and then build my shell around those new masses. Would that be the correct approach or what would be?

Thanks for the critiques!

drawingNT in the post "Lesson 3: Applying Construction to Plants (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-07-28 20:30

Here's my lesson 3: https://imgur.com/a/Vfq3GF5

Overall drawing plants was a lot of fun and I can already see a lot of areas I need to improve in my drawings. I'm not happy with my leaves yet. It feels like some leaves flow correctly and look natural but others feel stiff/broken. My branches also feel off and I think that is largely due to how much the width varies at certain points. I'm going to practice these a lot more in the coming weeks.

In my actual plant drawings I struggled A TON with proportion. It felt like I often got halfway though my drawing and realized that certain things were too small or too big and once I tried to correct it the drawing would feel way off. Though this issue did feel a lot less present as I drew the 8 plants. I think I need to just draw a lot more to help see proportion better. I do have an issue right now of not drawing enough for fun. I generally spend 1-2 hours a day on draw a box, then 1-2 hours on mark leones videos (perspective right now), then being done. I always want to draw for fun but always feel so limited by my lack of fundamentals and wind up back on draw a box.

Thanks for the critiques and feedback!

drawingNT in the post "Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-07-15 00:41

Here's my submission for lesson 2:


Overall lesson 2 was definitely more difficult than lesson 1/ 250 box challenge. I felt very overwhelmed by the texture section especially. I struggled a lot with with the fact that we only have black and white to work with. I also found it very difficult trying to figure out not only how to draw the texture but also how to vary the density of the texture.

Organic forms were also a point of struggle for me, at least more so than boxes. I'm not satisfied with how solid my organic forms look yet, and I think its due to my contour lines. Ill definitely be practicing a lot more of the intersections exercises in the future.

Thanks for the critique!

drawingNT in the post "250 Box Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-06-09 21:27

Thanks for the feedback. I have no idea how I got it in my head that we were aiming for all the lines to be parallel but ill be sure to re-visit the instructions more to make sure i'm doing everything correctly.

Here are my 30+ re-done boxes:


I ended up doing a few more pages becasue I though I was making decent improvements with each page. Though at the end I was still having a lot of trouble making the draw-through lines meet at the same corner point and having them converge with their other parallel lines.

drawingNT in the post "250 Box Challenge (Patreon Critique Thread)"

2019-06-08 21:19

250 box challenge pt 2 is complete! Even after 500 boxes its still difficult to consistently get all 4 set of lines to converge/be parallel correctly (even 1 degree off of parallel make a huge difference when extending the lines out) though I feel like I've made some progress in the consistency of my boxes.

My 250 boxes: https://imgur.com/a/ZuoBgDV
