Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals
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Drawing_Gene in the post "Recovering from Surgery, would following with a Pen Tablet make sense?"

2022-03-27 00:21

Hello Uncomfortable, thank you for the reply!

We actually talked about this topic on the drawabox Discord yesterday and we came to the same conclusion, don't push too hard and maybe just draw for a bit every day just for fun.

The problem is that I have quite a bit of free time on my hands now and wouldn't want all of it to be wasted, especially as the days go by and I'm recovering more and more I'll probably be able to do mentally challenging tasks faster than I'll be able to look down for hours on end. I'm thinking about just relaxing for the time being and then starting with drawabox again in a week or so.

If I did do a few exercises for 1-2 hours a day on my tablet, which ones do you think are the ones I absolutely should revisit traditionally 100% without question?